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On March 07, 2024, the first time was held solemn ceremony at the KSPH Medical College Kazakhstan’s Medical University “KSPH” to announce the winners of the A.K. Mashkeev and I.Sh. Akhmetov scholarships. 

 The nominal scholarships were established in order to encourage the educational and research activities of students studying KSPH Medical College. The main objective of the scholarship is to motivate students to patriotic and spiritual and moral development, to gain knowledge, to actively participate in educational, cognitive, research and social activities.

 Students who had excellent and good grades for the previous semester and were actively involved in the social life of the college were allowed to participate in the open competition for a nominal scholarship. 31 applications were received for the scholarship competition. According to the results the competition commission were determined winners: Kanybek A.K. (group SD.03-23) and Ayupova L.A. (group LdSdLab.01-23).

The founders of nominal scholarships – relatives, administration and teaching staff of the university, college, parents and students – took part in the ceremony.

  Rector of the Kazakhstan’s Medical University “KSPH” PhD, A.M. Auyezova and the acting director of the college, M.Z. Sarsenbayeva, PhD, stressed that the awarding of nominal scholarships will become a good tradition, which will be allocated annually.

 The honored guests solemnly presented the Scholarship certificates named after Mashkeev Auken Kiyasovich and Akhmetov Isai Shayakhmetovich. 

 The fellows and their families thanked the management and founders of the awarded scholarships for their honesty in the selection of the contestants.

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