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As part of the celebration of Science Day, on April 12, 2024, in “KSPH” Medical University was held the II International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Science and Youth: conference on the quality of medical care and medical literacy”.

The event was held with the participation of high-level experts, scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan and young scientists from neighboring countries in order to support young scientists in their pursuit of scientific activity, develop their skills in preparing scientific material and speaking skills, enrich the medical community with new knowledge.

In the solemn part of the event, Rector of KMU “KSPH”, Auyezova A.M., Doctor of Philosophy (PhD); Vice-rector of SKMA Anartaeva M.U., MD and Vice-rector for Research and Innovation of Bukhara Medical Institute, Sanoeva M. Zh. MD.

The conference is organized by the Kazakhstan’s Medical University “KSPH” (hereinafter – KMU “KSPH”), the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (hereinafter – SKMA) and the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino. It included relevant areas such as: “Public Health”, “Clinical Medicine”, “Pharmacy”, “Surgery”, “Poster reports”.

The sections were held interactively and became a discussion platform for developing practical solutions to urgent public health problems. The organizers and participants of the event received a lot of positive feedback from the medical community and established closer cooperation with representatives of many medical organizations and identified ways of further interaction.

At the end of the event, was held award ceremony for the authors of the best scientific reports of the conference participants.

It should be noted that this international scientific and practical conference of young scientists “SCIENCE AND YOUTH” is organized by young scientists of the KMU ‘KSPH’ and SKMA, as one of the goals of training is to develop management skills and organize scientific events.

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