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About the Residency

Residency is a form of obtaining postgraduate advanced medical education in clinical specialties.

Educational programs

KMU "KSPH" accepts documents for residency in the specialty:

List of required documents

  1. Persons entering the residency submit the following documents to the admissions committee from July 3 to July 25:
  • application addressed to the Rector;
  • copy of the document on higher education (original, when submitting documents to the admissions committee). Upon enrollment, the original document of higher education is submitted to the admissions committee;
  • copy of the certificate of completion of the internship;
  • copy of the certificate of a healthcare professional;
  • copy of the identity document;
  • copy of the work record (if available);
  • 6 photos measuring 3×4 centimeters;
  • extract from the statement indicating the assessment of the 1st stage of the final certification in the internship (testing conducted by the NGO “National Center for Independent Examination” (NCIE), certified by the signature of the dean and the seal of the educational organization;
  • medical certificate in accordance with subparagraph 31) of Article 7 of the Code. Form № 075/У “Medical certificate (medical professional advisory opinion)”, approved by Order of the Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2020 No. KR DSM-175/2020 “On approval of forms of accounting documentation in the field of healthcare” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 4, 2020 No. 21579) (next – Order no. KR DSM-175/2020).
  1. . If list of documents specified in this paragraph is provided, the admission committee does not accept documents from applicants.
  2. When submitting documents to the admissions committee, along with copies of the documents specified in this paragraph, their originals are provided for verification carried out in the presence of the applicant. After verification, the original documents are returned. An applicant who has submitted documents through the information system, before issuing an order for enrollment, submits the original document on higher education to the admissions committee.
  3. In accordance with subparagraph 6) of paragraph 2 of Article 43-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 “On Education”, the passing score is not less than 75 points for applicants, taking into account the specifics of the training specialties.

Obstetrics and gynecology

          Title: EP “Obstetrics and gynecology for adults, children”:

          Program code: 7R01133

          Mission of the EP: Preparing a competitive obstetrician-gynecologist with professional competencies, ready for independent work, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

          Purpose of the EP: To prepare a qualified, competitive specialist – an obstetrician-gynecologist who has a system of universal and professional competencies necessary to provide specialized obstetric and gynecological care to adults and children, capable and ready for independent professional activity, constant self-improvement and integration of scientific knowledge in accordance with the demands of the world community.

          In the Alumni Mission section:

          Learning outcome:

          LO1 apply skills in planning and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations of pregnant women, parturient women, postpartum women and gynecological patients with risk factors

          LO2 interpret data from clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies in relation to a specific clinical situation

          LO3 carry out differential diagnosis and formulate a clinical diagnosis, prescribe a treatment plan and evaluate its effectiveness based on evidence-based practice at all levels of medical care

          LO4 assess risk factors and use the most effective treatment methods to ensure a high level of safety and quality of medical care

          LO5 compile and maintain medical records and reporting documents, apply methods of medical statistics in obstetrics and gynecology, act within the framework of the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan

          LO6 effectively interact with the patient and her environment, healthcare professionals in order to achieve the best results for the patient, apply counseling and communication skills

          LO7 discuss and coordinate their actions within multiprofessional teams, express and defend their options for further improving the results of treatment and rehabilitation

          LO8 formulate adequate research questions, analyze the data obtained, effectively use international databases in their clinical practice, participate in scientific and practical conferences and other forms of continuous professional development

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Outpatient obstetrics

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills in organizing obstetric care for pregnant and postpartum women, in managing pregnancy, taking into account risk factors for maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality (preeclampsia, early termination of pregnancy, pregnancy and STIs, multiple pregnancies, feto-fetal syndrome, pregnancy after IVF, large fetus, preconception preparation, etc.) and teenage pregnancy, early pregnancy, features of the course of pregnancy and childbirth in minors, early diagnosis and assistance in emergency conditions in obstetrics at the prehospital stage and prevention and rehabilitation of women’s reproductive health .

Develops skills in planning and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations, interpreting data from clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies, differential diagnosis, choosing safe and effective treatment in an outpatient setting and assessing the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus. The discipline develops the skills to effectively interact with patients and healthcare professionals, assess the risks of treatment, and conduct all activities in accordance with the standards of examination and treatment.

Obstetrics in a hospital – 1

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills in organizing care for pregnant women, women in labor, postpartum women and newborns in a hospital setting (registration and reporting documentation and medical information systems, maintaining partograms, principles of evidence-based medicine in obstetrics, etc.), in managing pregnancy and childbirth and the postpartum period in accordance with clinical diagnostic and treatment protocols (cardiotocography, ultrasound examination of the fetus, obstetric tactics, effective perinatal care, newborn care, etc.).

Obstetrics in a hospital – 2

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills in the management of pregnancy and childbirth in the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, pathology of the postpartum period, pathology of the fetus (preeclampsia, eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, hepatosis, breech presentation, hemorrhagic shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, liver, urinary system, diabetes mellitus,

pathology of the thyroid gland, obesity, blood diseases, viral diseases, congenital malformations of connective tissue, diseases of the organs of vision, central and peripheral nervous system, antiphospholipid syndrome, hypoxia, hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn, malformations, intrauterine infections, etc.) and newborn (birth injuries, infections, asphyxia of the newborn, etc.).

Obstetrics in a hospital – 3

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills in the management of pregnancy and childbirth during surgical interventions (obstetric hemorrhage, pathology of childbirth, complications during childbirth and their prognosis, birth injuries, obstetric tactics, delivery operations, etc.), in providing assistance in emergencies and postoperative complications of women in labor and postpartum. Clinical protocols for diagnosis and treatment of obstetric pathologies.

Outpatient gynecology

The discipline develops knowledge and skills in planning and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations, and interpreting data from clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies. Principles of providing care to gynecological patients in outpatient settings. Diagnostic methods and treatment principles for outpatient gynecological patients based on evidence, in accordance with clinical protocols.

Conducting gynecological operations and effective treatment in an outpatient setting. Participation in national screening to detect precancer and cervical cancer, breast cancer. Clinical examination, rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment of gynecological patients. Family planning – contraceptive methods. Preventing pregnancy among minors.

Gynecology in hospital

The discipline develops knowledge and skills in providing specialized gynecological care and medical surgical care to high-risk women, in accordance with the clinical protocols of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. STI. Modern classification of gynecological diseases. Principles of conservative treatment in a hospital setting.

Pharmacotherapy in gynecology. Technique of surgical interventions. Postoperative management of patients. Rehabilitation. Treatment methods for gynecological diseases, including surgical methods and minimally invasive technologies, hormone replacement therapy, physiotherapy. Colposcopy, hysteroscopy. laparoscopy. Be able to work in a team.

Pediatric gynecology and sexual health

The discipline develops knowledge and skills in providing gynecological care to children and adolescents and on the characteristics of the anatomical and physiological development of the genital organs in girls. Physiology of puberty and the menstrual cycle. Premature puberty. Delayed sexual development. Lack of puberty. Menstrual dysfunction: amenorrhea, juvenile uterine bleeding, algomenorrhea. Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Issues of sexual health and its psychological aspects. Malformations of the genital organs in girls: atresia of the hymen, aplasia and atresia of the vagina and uterus, underdevelopment of the genital organs. Neoplasms of the reproductive system in girls, features of the course and diagnosis, principles of treatment. Injuries to the genital organs in girls.

Reproductive Medicine and Infertility

The discipline develops knowledge and skills in planning and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations, interpreting data from clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies, independently conducting diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures, medical and social assistance to the population on issues of reproductive health and family planning. The concept of infertile marriage, male and female infertility, the basics of a woman’s reproductive function, classification, diagnosis, modern assisted reproductive technologies from the perspective of evidence-based medicine. Endocrine, immunological, tubal, peritoneal infertility. Sexually transmitted infections in the development of infertility. Uterine factor infertility. Anomalies and malformations of the uterus: complete duplication of the uterus, bicornuate uterus, saddle uterus, uterus with an additional horn. Assisted reproductive technologies: in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, ICSI technique. Preparing patients for IVF and stimulating ovulation.


The discipline develops knowledge and skills in planning and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations, interpreting data from clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies, differential diagnosis, and choosing safe and effective treatment. Conducting national screenings for early detection of precancer and cervical cancer, breast cancer, and other localizations. Basic methods for diagnosing tumor diseases of the external genitalia, cervix and uterine body, ovaries, vulva. Mammary cancer. Screening programs.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Operative obstetrics

Termination of pregnancy in early and late stages. Caesarean section, vacuum extraction of the fetus, obstetric forceps. Fruit-destroying operations. Acute surgical pathology and pregnancy (acute appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction). Concomitant gynecological diseases and pregnancy: ovarian cysts and cystomas, torsion of ovarian tumors, degeneration of myomatous node, torsion of subserous myomatous node, cervical myomatous node, malignant neoplasms.

Operative gynecology

Perforation of the uterus, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian apoplexy, spontaneous abortion, peritonitis during inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, torsion of the subserous myomatous node and peduncle of the ovarian tumor, degeneration and necrosis of the myomatous node, nascent submucosal node, inflammatory tumors of the uterine appendages, rupture of the ovarian tumor and purulent tumor of the appendages uterus Cystectomy. Uterine amputation. Extirpation of the uterus. Metroplasty.

Laparoscopy in gynecology

Diagnostic laparoscopy. Laparoscopic operations on the pelvic organs (myomectomy, cystectomy, hysterectomy, adnexectomy, salpingoneostomy, tubectomy, oophorectomy). Hysteroscopy, hysteroresectoscopy.

Gynecological endocrinology

Neuroendocrine syndromes: Sheehan, Chiari-Frommel, adrenogenital, postpartum neuroendocrine, premenstrual, menopausal, post-castration. Ovarian hyperstimulation. Polycystic ovary syndrome. Amenorrhea. Abnormal uterine bleeding. Algodismenorrhea.


Title: EP “Angiosurgery for adults, children”:

Program code: 7R01105

Mission of the EP: Training of a highly qualified, competitive angiosurgeon (adult, pediatric) capable of quickly and correctly responding to healthcare challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

Purpose of the EP: The purpose of the program is to train highly qualified specialists in the specialty “Angiosurgery for adults and children” to work in the vascular surgery departments of a hospital or clinic during postgraduate training, to consolidate knowledge and practical skills in the use of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of angiosurgical diseases.

In the Alumni Mission section:

Learning outcome:

LO1 is able to apply the skills of planning and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations of a patient with risk factors

LO2 is able to interpret data from clinical, hardware and instrumental studies in relation to a specific clinical situation

LO3 is able to conduct differential diagnostics and formulate a diagnosis in accordance with modern classifications

LO4 is able to choose safe and effective treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, taking into account the possible risks and comorbidity of the patient

LO5 is able to assess risk factors for the development of complications in angiosurgical disease and use the most effective methods to ensure a high level of quality and safety of medical care

LO6 is able to draw up and maintain medical reporting documentation, conduct an examination of the quality of medical care

LO7 is able to act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

LO8 is able to effectively interact with patients, their environment, and colleagues

LO9 is able to discuss and coordinate actions within professional groups, express and defend his options to further improve results

LO10 is able to formulate research questions, analyze the obtained scientific data, summarize them, draw conclusions and apply the results in clinical practice

LO11 is able to effectively use international databases in daily activities, participate in conferences and other forms of continuous professional development

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

General surgery

Upon completion of the discipline, the student will know the general issues of organizing surgical services in the republic, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms of major surgical diseases, their prevention, diagnosis and principles of treatment, the basis of diagnosis and emergency care in emergency conditions.

Thoracic surgery

Upon completion of the discipline, the student will develop an extensive and deep volume of basic, fundamental medical knowledge that forms the professional competencies of a doctor in thoracic surgery, capable of successfully solving his professional tasks and improving his professional activities, possessing clinical thinking, well-versed in complex pathology, and having in-depth knowledge of related disciplines

Cardiac Surgery

Upon completion of the discipline, the student will develop an extensive and deep volume of basic, fundamental medical knowledge that forms the professional competencies of a cardiac surgery doctor who is able to successfully solve his professional problems and improve his professional activities, who has clinical thinking, is well versed in complex pathology, and has in-depth knowledge of related disciplines

Diagnostics of diseases of the vascular system

Diagnosis of diseases and pathological conditions of patients based on knowledge of propaedeutic (inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation), laboratory (blood test, urine test), instrumental (ECG, ultrasound of veins and arteries, phlebography, angiography) and other research methods ; diagnosis of emergency conditions; pregnancy diagnosis; conducting a medical examination;

General issues of surgical treatment of vascular diseases

Upon completion of training, the resident will receive information about diseases of the cardiovascular system, learn to apply objective methods of examining the patient, and identify general and specific signs of the disease; interpret and analyze the results of instrumental examinations and laboratory studies of patients with diseases and pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system. Critically understand the features of organizing emergency angiosurgical care, managing the route (3H system) of the patient, continuity at the stages of treatment.

Diseases of the thoracic aorta and its branches

Upon completion of training, the resident will be able to interpret and analyze the results of instrumental examinations and laboratory studies of patients with diseases and pathological conditions related to diseases of the thoracic aorta and its branches. Will master the clinic of diseases of the thoracic aorta and its branches in adults and elderly patients, as well as with concomitant pathologies, clinical laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, skills of differential diagnosis, diagnosis, prescribing conservative or surgical treatment based on the acquired basic knowledge. Be able to work in a team.

Diseases of the abdominal aorta and its branches

Upon completion of training, the resident will be able to interpret and analyze the results of instrumental examinations and laboratory studies of patients with diseases and pathological conditions in diseases of the abdominal aorta and its branches. Will master the clinic of diseases of the abdominal aorta and its branches in adults and elderly patients, as well as with concomitant pathologies, clinical, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, skills of differential diagnosis, making a diagnosis, prescribing conservative or surgical treatment based on the acquired basic knowledge. Be able to work in a team

Peripheral arterial disease

Upon completion of training, the resident will be able to interpret and analyze the results of instrumental examination and laboratory testing of patients with diseases and pathological conditions of peripheral artery disease. Will master the clinic of peripheral arterial disease in children, adults and elderly patients, as well as with concomitant pathologies, clinical, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, skills of differential diagnosis, diagnosis, prescribing conservative or surgical treatment based on the acquired basic knowledge.

Diseases of the venous and lymphatic systems

Upon completion of training, the resident will be able to interpret and analyze the results of instrumental examinations and laboratory studies of patients with diseases and pathological conditions related to diseases of the venous and lymphatic systems. Will master the clinic of the disease for diseases of the venous and lymphatic systems in children, adults and elderly patients, as well as with concomitant pathologies, clinical, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, skills of differential diagnosis, diagnosis, prescribing conservative or surgical treatment based on the acquired basic knowledge.

Symptomatic arterial hypertension. Chemodectomas and vascular tumors. Congenital diseases of the vascular system

Upon completion of training, the resident will be able to interpret and analyze the results of instrumental examination and laboratory testing of patients with diseases and pathological conditions of symptomatic arterial hypertension. Chemodectomas and vascular tumors. Congenital diseases of the vascular system. Master the clinic of symptomatic arterial hypertension. Vascular tumors in children and adults. Clinical, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, skills of differential diagnosis, diagnosis, prescription of conservative or surgical treatment based on the acquired basic knowledge.

Emergency pathology of the heart and blood vessels

Upon completion of the discipline, the student will acquire knowledge of the basic methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as: pulmonary embolism, ischemic stroke, acute disturbance of mesenteric circulation (intestinal infarction), embolism and acute thrombosis of the arteries of the extremities, rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysms, acute thrombosis of the inferior vena cava system veins, acute thrombosis of the superior vena cava system, vascular trauma, iatrogenic damage. And also the teacher will be able to carry out differential diagnostics, determine further tactics and preventive measures

X-ray endovascular surgery

Upon completion of training, the resident will be able to interpret and analyze the results of angiographic studies. Transluminal angioplasty of the renal arteries. Transluminal angioplasty of peripheral arteries. Laser angioplasty of peripheral arteries. Vibromechanical angioplasty of the artery. Foreign bodies in blood vessels.

Issues of intensive care in vascular surgery

The discipline develops knowledge and skills on intensive care issues in vascular surgery. Preoperative preparation of patients (preoperative examination), postoperative administration of patients, administration of patients after palliative surgery, reconstructive surgery, assessment of hemostasis, prevention of pulmonary embolism. Acute ischemia, bleeding, vascular injuries, aneurysm ruptures, acute arterial obstruction, thrombosis of visceral vessels. Acute cerebrovascular accident. Acute disturbance of mesenteric circulation.

Component of choice (CCCD))

Ultrasound in emergency medicine

Upon completion of training, the specialist will be able to know the basics of ultrasound diagnostics in angiosurgery. Able to independently and successfully solve his professional problems and improve his professional activities, possesses clinical thinking, is well versed in complex pathology, and has in-depth knowledge of related disciplines

Endovascular technologies in surgery

Upon completion of the training, the specialist will be able to know the basics of X-ray endovideo surgery, indications and contraindications for the use of endovascular technologies. Able to independently and successfully solve his professional problems and improve his professional activities, possesses clinical thinking, is well versed in complex pathology, and has in-depth knowledge of related disciplines

Anesthesiology and intensive care

Title: EP  “Anesthesiology and intensive care for adults, children”:

Program code: 7R01126

EP Mission: Training of a qualified, competitive specialist anesthesiologist-resuscitator, who knows various methods of anesthesia in adults and children during various operations, taking into account the initial condition of the patient, and provides intensive therapy for various diseases and conditions in adults and children.

Purpose of the EP: Training of specialists capable of meeting the needs of society in providing medical care, applying and developing advanced innovative technologies in practice and science, using the achievements of information and communication technologies, strengthening public health

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 conducts an initial examination and analysis of clinical symptoms in adults and children, interprets the results of clinical, laboratory, functional and instrumental studies to identify organ failure syndromes and determine the relationship with the underlying disease.

LО2 selects and conducts a safe type of anesthesia for the patient, depending on the type and volume of surgery and taking into account the initial condition of the patient.

LО3 selects a reasonable and safe treatment of the patient, taking into account the presence of organ failure syndromes, based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, evaluates the dynamics of the condition and the effectiveness of therapy.

LО4 prepares medical documentation, conducts an examination of the quality of medical care.

LО5 discusses with colleagues and coordinates his actions as part of interprofessional teams, expresses his opinion on further improvement of treatment results.

LО6 actively interacts with patients, their environment, and colleagues in accordance with the principles of medical ethics and deontology.

LО7 effectively uses international databases in daily activities, participates in scientific and practical events and academic mobility.

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Anesthesiological support for surgical patients

Organization of the anesthesiological service in medical organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of current orders regulating the activities of the anesthesiological service, accounting and reporting skills. Anesthesia and the mechanism of action of anesthetics, rational choice and safe use in general and regional anesthesia. Safe operation of devices for inhalation anesthesia, mechanical ventilation and monitoring of vital functions of patients. Assessment of the patient’s condition to determine the risks of anesthesia, selection and provision of the safest method of anesthesia, depending on the severity of the condition during planned and urgent operations, concomitant diseases, prevention of possible complications. Ensuring reliable vascular access for infusion-transfusion therapy before and during anesthesia and surgery, ensuring airway patency using modern technologies.

Intensive care in surgical and therapeutic patients

Organization of intensive care units in a multidisciplinary or specialized hospital and maintenance of approved forms of accounting and reporting documentation. Monitoring of vital functions of patients with the necessary laboratory and instrumental examination. Establishment of a syndrome-by-syndrome diagnosis, identification of pathological leading syndromes, prevention of complications of the underlying disease, pathogenetic and syndrome-by-syndrome intensive therapy. Conducting a ventilator. Emergency care for terminal conditions that threaten the life and health of patients.

Anesthesiological support in pediatrics and neonatology

Organization of anesthesiological services in medical institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan providing medical care to children. Anatomical and physiological features of organs and systems of children of different age periods. Principles of choosing and conducting anesthesia in children, newborns, including premature babies.

Intensive care in pediatrics and neonatology

Organization of intensive care units or wards for children and newborns in the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to the Orders of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating the activities of the service. Equipment for respiratory support of children and newborns, provision of condition monitoring. Diagnosis and post-syndrome intensive care for syndromes of systemic disorders and critical conditions in children and newborns.

Anesthesia and intensive care in obstetrics and gynecology

Anesthesia during surgical interventions in gynecology and obstetrics, including surgical delivery. Diagnosis and treatment of pregnancy complications. Assistance with complications during childbirth (Amniotic fluid embolism, coagulopathy and bleeding).

Anesthesia and intensive care in neurosurgery and neurology

Vital disorders in traumatic brain injury (TBI), ONMC, cerebral edema and assessment of their severity. Diagnosis of CNS dysfunction and intensive therapy of patients with CNS lesions of various origins. Diagnosis of spinal cord injuries at different levels, management tactics for such patients with respiratory and circulatory disorders.

Anesthesia and intensive care in cardiac surgery, perfusion

Preoperative assessment of anesthetic risk and anesthesia during cardiac surgery. The operation of the artificial Blood Circulation device. Management of the postoperative period in patients after cardiac surgery.

Intensive care in cardiology

ECG diagnostics of disorders of excitability and conduction, the development of ischemia, myocardial damage and necrosis. Intensive therapy for hypertensive crises, acute myocardial infarction, and decompensation of chronic heart failure.

Anesthesia and intensive care in maxillofacial surgery, dentistry and otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology. Outpatient anesthesiology

Anesthesia and intensive therapy in operations for malignant neoplasms in the maxillofacial region, in operations for defects, diseases and injuries of the jaws, in reconstructive operations in otolaryngology, in hearing-restoring operations. Anesthesia and intensive care in children with congenital malformations of the face and oral cavity. Determination of indications and contraindications for anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Anesthesia in outpatient dental practice, prevention of aspiration of blood, stomach contents and pharynx in dental patients.

Intensive care for infectious diseases

Intensive therapy for infectious diseases complicated by a violation of vital functions: damage to the central nervous system, PNS, respiration, blood circulation, and VSO disorders. Diagnosis and treatment of sepsis and septic shock, Covid-19, viral diseases and critical conditions caused by these diseases (HIV, hepatitis, pneumonia).

Intensive care for acute poisoning, efferent medicine

Fundamentals of general toxicology. Diagnosis of acute poisoning, the main directions of intensive care for acute poisoning. Efferent therapy.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Ventilation in intensive care of emergency conditions in obstetrics and gynecology

The respiratory system, biomechanics of respiration, features during pregnancy, regulation of respiration in normal and pathological conditions, for reasons of ONE during pregnancy and during childbirth. Modern concepts and principles of ventilation. Ventilation in the absence of lung damage, ventilation in restrictive and obstructive pulmonary pathology, monitoring the effectiveness of ventilation.

Transfusion therapy for emergency conditions in obstetrics and gynecology

Oxygen transport and the physiology of hemostasis. Methods of diagnosis and treatment of coagulopathy in obstetric bleeding. The basis and application of blood components. Diagnosis and treatment of complications of transfusion.

Monitoring of vital functions during anesthesia and intensive care

Monitoring of central nervous system functions, respiratory functions during anesthesia and intensive care, monitoring of blood circulation.

Clinical Transfusiology

Diagnosis and treatment of coagulopathies in patients with critical conditions, with shocks of various genesis. Justification and application of blood components. The effectiveness of transfusions. Registration of transfusions. Diagnosis and treatment of complications of transfusion.


Title: EP “Gastroenterology for adults, children”:

Program code: 7R01109

EP Mission: Training of a highly qualified gastroenterologist (adult, children’s) with professional competencies, able to quickly and correctly respond to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP: Training of a highly qualified gastroenterologist with a system of universal and professional competencies, capable and ready for independent professional activity based on the application and development of advanced innovative, information and communication technologies in practice and science.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 apply skills in planning and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations of patients with gastroenterological diseases and risk factors

LО2 interpret the data of clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies in relation to a specific clinical situation

LО3 to carry out differential diagnosis and formulate a diagnosis in accordance with modern classifications

LО4 to choose a safe and effective treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, taking into account the potential risks and comorbidities of the patient

LО5 evaluate the effectiveness of therapy, predict the outcome of the disease and its complications, and carry out preventive measures

LО6 to draw up and maintain medical accounting and reporting documentation, to conduct an examination of the quality of medical care

LО7 to act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

LО8 the ability to effectively interact with patients, their environment, and colleagues

LО9 discuss and coordinate actions as part of interprofessional teams, express and defend their options for further improvement of results

LО10 formulate research questions, analyze the scientific data obtained, summarize them, draw conclusions and apply the results in their clinical practice

LО11 effectively use international databases in daily activities, participate in conferences and other forms of continuous professional development

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)


The discipline forms knowledge and skills of conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations and the ability to interpret them; differential diagnosis; choice of safe and effective treatment, including rational nutrition, in adults and children with major gastroenterological diseases (functional, inflammatory and destructive, congenital diseases of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, hepatobiliary organspancreatogenic zone) in a hospital setting and at the level of outpatient services. Algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of emergency conditions in gastroenterology. Separate issues of related pathology. Organization of gastroenterological service in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Accounting and reporting documentation. National and International clinical protocols in the field of gastroenterology.


The discipline forms knowledge and skills of conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations and their interpretation; differential diagnosis; choice of safe and effective treatment, dispensary supervision and prevention of major diseases of the hepatobiliary system in adults and children (functional, inflammatory-destructive, viral, autoimmune, metabolic, congenital, hereditary) in a hospital and at the level of outpatient services. Algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of emergency conditions in hepatology. Organization of the hepatological service in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Accounting and reporting documentation. National and International clinical protocols and recommendations in the field of hepatology and the biliary system.

Basics of oncology

The discipline forms the knowledge and skills of conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination, differential diagnosis, pharmacotherapy, minimally invasive technologies of benign and malignant formations of the gastrointestinal tract; chemotherapy; radiation therapy and surgical approaches in hospital and polyclinic settings. National and International clinical protocols and recommendations in the field of oncology of the digestive organs. Algorithms for screening diagnosis, treatment, medical examination and prevention of oncological diseases of the digestive system and liver.


Organization of medical nutrition service in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The basics of a rational, balanced diet. Principles of therapeutic nutrition. The importance and place of therapeutic nutrition in the complex treatment of diseases. The main characteristics of individual diets in gastroenterological diseases in adults and children (functional, inflammatory-destructive, metabolic, hereditary, congenital, etc.). Therapeutic nutrition in the postoperative period. Enteral and parenteral nutrition. Functional nutrition. Preparation of one-day and seven-day diets with a selection of dietary dishes and some features of their cooking technology.


The role and place of endoscopic methods in the diagnosis and treatment of gastroenterological pathology. The main policy documents in the field of endoscopy. The algorithm of diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic examination of patients with gastroenterological pathology. Modern endoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of gastroenterological diseases. Indications and contraindications for diagnostic, therapeutic and operative endoscopy. Principles of examination and preparation of patients for endoscopic research methods and management of patients after research.

Ultrasound diagnostics

The main policy documents in the field of ultrasound diagnostics. General issues of the organization of ultrasound diagnostics. Indications and contraindications to ultrasound. Preparation of patients for ultrasound examination. The importance and features of visual research methods (ultrasound and others) in the diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatobiliary system, pancreas, abdominal vessels in adults and children. Conducting ultrasound diagnostics of abdominal organs. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs is a normal ultrasound anatomy and an echographic picture. An algorithm for constructing a diagnostic study of patients with gastroenterological pathology. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs – ultrasound anatomy and echographic picture in pathology.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Metabolic lesions. Accumulation diseases

The discipline forms the knowledge and skills of conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations, differential diagnosis, and choosing safe and effective treatment for adult patients with metabolic lesions and accumulation diseases.

Functional nutrition. Phytotherapy in gastroenterology

The discipline forms knowledge and skills of the wide application of functional nutrition and phytotherapy in patients with diseases of the digestive system.


Title: EP “Adult, pediatric Dermatovenerology”:

Program code: 7R01122

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified dermatovenerologist (adult, child) with professional competencies, able to quickly and correctly respond to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP: Training of a qualified dermatovenerologist with a system of general cultural and professional competencies, capable and ready to provide specialized medical care to patients with a dermatovenerological profile.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 apply the skills of drawing up a plan for the necessary clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination of patients with a dermatovenerological profile.

LО2 to interpret the data of modern instrumental, laboratory and functional research methods in patients with dermatovenerological profile.

LО3 to carry out differential diagnosis and formulate a diagnosis of skin and venereal diseases in adult and pediatric patients.

LО4 choose a safe and effective treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine in dermatovenerology.

LО5 to make the necessary adjustments to the treatment plan in the absence of an effect or the development of complications, to organize and conduct preventive examinations of the adult and child population, dispensary supervision of this contingent.

LО6 to draw up medical documentation within the framework of the specialty provided for by law.

LО7 to act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

LО8 to carry out psychological support and sanitary and educational work with patients, their relatives and with the population.

LО9 discuss and coordinate actions as part of interprofessional teams, express and defend their options for further improvement of results.

LО10 formulate research questions, analyze the scientific data obtained, summarize them, draw conclusions and apply the results in their clinical practice.

LО11 use modern remote technologies for continuous professional development (online courses, webinars), regularly participate in seminars, master classes, training modules, conferences on dermatovenerology and related specialties, followed by the application of new data in practice.

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

The Dermatovenerology module in the hospital

The discipline forms knowledge and skills in providing dermatovenerological care in a hospital: skills of clinical examination in order to establish a diagnosis, differential diagnosis, clinical laboratory and instrumental examination with interpretation of the results of the study. Skills in prescribing modern and safe treatment, and eliminating complications. The skills of self-registration of medical documentation, the ability to provide psychological support to patients, prevention, knowledge of regulatory and legislative acts related to discipline, the use of information technology, literary data on complex skin pathologies, be able to analyze these data, draw conclusions and use them in their clinical practice.

Module Pediatric dermatovenerology in the hospital

When studying this discipline, attention is paid to the peculiarities of the clinical course of dermatovenerological diseases in childhood, examination of children using clinical, laboratory and instrumental methods, with interpretation of the results of the study. The skill of making a clinical diagnosis, differential diagnosis, choosing safe and effective treatment and prevention, the ability to provide psychological support to children’s patients, predicting complications, independently maintaining medical documentation taking into account regulatory legal acts on the discipline, using scientific data from International medical communities in the field of dermatovenerology in clinical practice, independent conclusions.

Module Dermatovenerology outpatient

The discipline forms knowledge and skills in providing dermatovenerological care at the outpatient level: skills in examining patients using special diagnostic techniques and methods used in dermatovenerology, differential diagnosis, laboratory and instrumental examination with subsequent interpretation of research results. Skills of modern treatment and prevention in accordance with the clinical protocols of the Republic of Kazakhstan and world scientific data, with the ability to eliminate complications, psychological support for the patient, maintaining medical records, knowledge of the normative and legal aspects of discipline, dispensary and preventive examinations of the adult population.

Module Pediatric dermatovenerology outpatient

The discipline forms the provision of dermatovenerological care to children and adolescents at the outpatient level: the skills of examining children and adolescents, taking into account the peculiarities of the structure of children’s skin, conducting diagnostics and differential diagnosis. Skills in prescribing laboratory and instrumental examination methods with interpretation of research results in children of different ages, psychological support for patients. Skills in treating children’s patients, taking into account the characteristics of children’s skin, using safe and effective treatment, predicting complications, maintaining medical records, in accordance with regulatory and legislative acts, dispensary supervision and preventive examinations of the child population.


When studying this discipline, special attention is paid to the issues of diagnosis, differential diagnosis of skin pathology in adults and children, using clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination and interpretation of examination results, skills in providing dermatocosmetological care using external cosmetics, manipulations and cosmetological equipment. The skill is being formed to make the necessary corrections in a timely manner in order to exclude complications, the ability to properly prepare medical documentation, active participation in master classes, seminars, conferences. Knowledge of legislative acts and psychological aspects in dermatocosmetology,


The discipline forms knowledge and skills of conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations with interpretation of data, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, selection of safe and effective treatment of patients with gastroenterological and hepatobiliary diseases. The basics of rational nutrition. Clinical protocols, recommendations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and International medical communities in the field of gastroenterology, hepatology and the biliary system.

Infectious diseases

The discipline forms knowledge and skills in diagnosis, differential diagnosis, clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination of patients with interpretation of data, modern and safe methods of treatment and carrying out all necessary antiepidemic measures for infections occurring with rash syndrome; drip infections with skin rash: rubella, measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever, meningococcal infection; infectious diseases with skin lesions: leishmaniasis, cutaneous form; borreliosis, cutaneous form; erysipelas, pasteurellosis; herpetic infection caused by HSV 1,2 (skin lesions) and methods of their prevention.


Special attention in the study of this discipline is paid to the issues of clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination with interpretation of the results of the study, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, modern methods of safe and effective treatment of benign and malignant skin diseases, issues of formation of risk groups and tactics of their management, dispensary supervision and preventive examinations of the population.

Clinical and laboratory diagnostics in dermatovenerology

The discipline forms knowledge and skills in drawing up an examination plan for dermatovenerological patients using clinical, laboratory and instrumental research methods with the interpretation of research results, knowledge of the rules for the use of biological material for the purpose of laboratory diagnosis and differential diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Clinical pharmacology in dermatovenerology

When studying this discipline, attention is paid to the issues of clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy for skin diseases and sexually transmitted diseases, an arsenal of safe and effective modern medicines used in dermatovenerology. Sound approaches to the treatment of chronic dermatoses, infectious skin diseases, sexually transmitted infections, using approved clinical treatment protocols based on the principles of evidence-based medicine. Knowledge of the legal and organizational aspects of the discipline. The skills of analyzing scientific data, generalizing, and applying the results in clinical practice are being formed.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections

The discipline forms knowledge of the main problems of modern venereology, the frequency and features of the course of various infections, skills in examining patients with STIs using clinical laboratory, instrumental research methods, interpretation, issues of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, modern safe methods of treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted infections, Knowledge of regulatory and legal documentation in venereology, registration of medical documentation, carrying out preventive, sanitary and educational work with the population.

Skin manifestations of diseases of internal organs: paraneoplastic processes, skin manifestations of endocrine diseases, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, AIDS

The discipline forms knowledge, practical skills, algorithms for constructing appropriate clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination methods, conducting diagnostics and differential diagnosis of diseases of internal organs accompanied by skin manifestations. Formation of the skill of a clinical approach to patients with this pathology, interpretation of research results and the choice of safe and effective treatment, according to current clinical protocols, correction of treatment and prognosis of complications.

Pediatric surgery

Title: EP “Pediatric surgery”:

Program code: 7R01134

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified pediatric surgeon with professional competencies, capable and ready for independent professional activity, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP:  Образовательная программа резидентуры по специальности «Детская хирургия» разработана в рамках проекта ERASMUS + «Совершенствование обучения в сфере ухода за детьми в качестве образца для модернизации послевузовского медицинского образования в Центральной Азии ChildCA», с целью подготовки специалистов детских хирургов, способных удовлетворять потребности общества по укреплению здоровья и  оказанию качественной медицинской помощи детскому населению с применением передовых инновационных медицинских и коммуникативных технологий в детской хирургии.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 He is able to formulate a clinical diagnosis, prescribe an operative treatment plan and evaluate its effectiveness based on evidence-based practice at all levels of medical care for children

LО2 He is able to carry out differential diagnosis and formulate a conclusion based on the principles of evidence-based medicine

LО3 he is able to perform surgical interventions for children, master surgical techniques

LО4 he is able to interpret the result of a comprehensive examination of a child patient with the development of further recommendations

LО5 He is able to effectively interact with children, his parents, and healthcare professionals in order to achieve the best results of surgical treatment for the patient

LО6 He is able to assess risks using more effective methods to ensure a high level of safety and quality of diagnostics

LО7 he is able to act within the framework of the right and organizational field of the ZO system of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty “Pediatric Surgery”, work as part of interprofessional teams

LО8 He is able to formulate research questions, analyze scientific databases, draw conclusions and apply the results of scientific research in pediatric surgical practice

LО9 He is able to study independently and teach others, participate in discussions, conferences and other forms of continuous professional development dedicated to pediatric surgery

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Newborn Surgery

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills on the organization of neonatal surgery, pregnancy management, delivery and treatment of newborns with malformations on the basis of medical organizations of maternity care and specialized hospitals. Develops skills to interpret data from clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies, demonstrate the acquired knowledge about the features of surgical diseases in newborns, as well as therapeutic manipulations and surgical interventions. To formulate conclusions after differential diagnosis and to carry out effective surgical methods for the treatment of congenital malformations. The discipline builds skills to effectively interact with parents of children, healthcare professionals, assess the risks of treatment, as well as conduct all activities according to the standards of examination and treatment.

Elective surgery with urology-1

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills on the organization of medical care in elective surgery for children, including aspects of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of children with teratomas and dermoid cysts; hemangiomas and lymphangiomas; congenital and acquired surgical pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract; hernias; parasitic diseases and others. The discipline will allow effective interaction with parents and legal representatives of children, healthcare professionals, assess the risks of diagnosis and treatment, and conduct all activities according to the standards of examination and treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine. The discipline forms the knowledge of the regulatory framework in pediatric surgery, the skills of maintaining medical records. Analyzes scientific databases and applies the results in his clinical practice. He continuously improves his professional level.

Elective surgery with urology-2

The discipline is aimed at the formation of knowledge and skills in the organization of medical care in urology for the pediatric population, including aspects of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of children with hydronephrosis, pyeloectasia, vesicoureteral reflux, infravesical obstruction and valves of the posterior urethra, kidney and urinary tract injuries, neurogenic bladder, enuresis, etc. It will allow effective interaction with parents and legal representatives of children, healthcare professionals, assess the risks of diagnosis and treatment, carry out all measures according to the standards of examination and treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, forms knowledge of the regulatory framework in pediatric surgery.

Thoracic surgery

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills in the organization of medical care for children with thoracic pathology, including aspects of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of children with diseases and malformations of the esophagus, regurgitation and vomiting syndrome, congenital mediastinal cysts, diseases and malformations of the lungs, malformations of the chest (keeled and funnel-shaped chest, Poland syndrome). and so on. The discipline will allow effective interaction with parents and legal representatives of children, healthcare professionals, assess the risks of diagnosis and treatment, and carry out all measures according to the standards of examination and treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine. The discipline forms the knowledge of the regulatory framework in pediatric surgery, the skills of maintaining medical records. Analyzes scientific databases and applies the results in his clinical practice. Continuously improves your

Purulent surgery

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills in the organization of medical care for children with purulent surgical infections, including aspects of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of children with acute purulent diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, paraproctitis, purulent arthritis, acute and chronic osteomyelitis, its atypical forms, Douglas space abscesses, intermuscular, subdiaphragmatic abscesses; perinephritis, phlegmon of different localization, etc. The discipline will allow you to effectively interact with parents and legal representatives of children, healthcare professionals, assess the risks of diagnosis and treatment, carry out all measures according to the standards of examination and treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine. The discipline forms the knowledge of the regulatory framework in pediatric surgery, the skills of maintaining medical records. Develops the ability to analyze the quality, effectiveness and safety of me

Endoscopic surgery

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills in the organization of medical care for children with surgical pathology, in the diagnosis and treatment of which endoscopic interventions are used. Individually including aspects of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of children. The issues of diagnostic research techniques and operative endoscopy, as well as complications of laparoscopic surgery and ways to prevent them are considered. The discipline will allow effective interaction with parents and legal representatives of children, healthcare professionals, assess the risks of diagnosis and treatment, and carry out all measures according to the standards of examination and treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine.

Emergency surgery

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills in the organization of medical care for children with urgent surgical pathology, including aspects of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of children with acute appendicitis, acute diverticulitis, periappendicular abscess, peritonitis and pelvioperitonitis, intestinal obstruction, intestinal intussusception, hernia infringement, acute scrotum syndrome, damage to hollow and parenchymal organs as a result of trauma and others. The discipline will allow effective interaction with parents and legal representatives of children, healthcare professionals, assess the risks of diagnosis and treatment, and carry out all measures according to the standards of examination and treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine. The discipline forms the knowledge of the regulatory framework in pediatric surgery, the skills of maintaining medical records. Develops the ability to analyze the quality, effectiveness and safety of DIA methods

Outpatient surgery

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills on the organization of medical care for children in an outpatient clinic, including aspects of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of children. The issues of organization of dispensary supervision of children with surgical pathology are considered; preventive examinations of children of different ages; childhood injuries and its prevention; diagnosis of acute surgical diseases, as well as congenital malformations in children; referral to the hospital in an emergency and planned manner; treatment of children after discharge from the hospital, bandaging of postoperative and burn wounds, monitoring of the condition plaster casts. The discipline will allow effective interaction with parents and legal representatives of children, healthcare professionals. to assess the risks of diagnosis and treatment, to carry out all measures according to the standards of examination and treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine.

Traumatology, orthopedics-1

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills in the organization of medical care for children with traumatic injuries of bones and joints, including aspects of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of children with subcostal fractures and fractures of the “green branch” type, epiphyseolysis and osteoepiphyseolysis, bone injuries of the upper and lower extremities, spine and pelvic bones, dislocations in the joints of the bones of the extremities, traumatic shock and others. The discipline will allow effective interaction with parents and legal representatives of children, healthcare professionals, assess the risks of diagnosis and treatment, and carry out all measures according to the standards of examination and treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine. The discipline forms the knowledge of the regulatory framework in pediatric surgery, the skills of maintaining medical records. Develops the ability to analyze the quality, effectiveness and safety of methods for the diagnosis of diseases

Traumatology, orthopedics-2

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills in the organization of medical care for children with orthopedic pathology, including aspects of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of children with congenital hip dislocation, congenital clubfoot, congenital muscular torticollis, posture disorders and scoliosis, osteochondropathies, developmental abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system, orphan diseases of the skeleton, congenital and acquired deformities and shortening of limbs, false bone joints, benign bone tumors and tumor-like diseases and others. The discipline will allow to effectively assess the risks of diagnosis and treatment, to carry out all measures according to the standards of examination and treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Children’s food hygiene

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills in the organization of medical care for children with burns, including aspects of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of children.

The issues of pathogenesis and clinic of burn disease in children are considered: local conservative and surgical treatment of superficial and deep burns. The basic principles of antishock and drug therapy. Control and prevention of complications. Burns of the respiratory tract, poisoning by combustion products. Gorenjesus. Electric burns. The consequences of burns in the form of keloid scars and joint contractures, skin plastic surgery. The discipline will allow effective interaction with parents and legal representatives of children, assess the risks of diagnosis and treatment, and carry out all measures according to the standards of examination and treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine.

Radiation diagnostics

Studies general issues of radiation diagnostics of children (X-ray diagnostics, ultrasound, CT, MRI, radionuclide diagnostics). The discipline forms knowledge and skills of interpreting the results of a comprehensive radiation examination, conducting differential radiation diagnostics, assessing the risks of radiation diagnostics methods and using the most effective research methods in childhood, formulating a radiation conclusion based on the principles of studying databases of scientific evidence. Forms knowledge and skills for determining indications and contraindications for radiation diagnostics in children. The discipline will allow you to effectively interact with parents and legal representatives of children, to carry out all activities according to diagnostic standards.

Anesthesiology and intensive care

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills of anesthesiological aids and intensive care. The issues of preparing a child for surgery and anesthesia are considered. Features of intensive care and anesthesia in children, risks and complications. Infusion therapy and parenteral nutrition. Methods of extracorporeal detoxification. Basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Resuscitation and stabilization of newborn children.

Postindromic treatment of acute respiratory, cardiovascular, and renal insufficiency. Acute thermoregulation disorders. Sepsis in children. Shock. Comatose states. Convulsive syndrome. Violations of the water-electrolyte balance. Violations of the acid-base state. Artificial ventilation of the lungs. The discipline will allow effective interaction with parents and legal representatives of children, healthcare professionals, and conduct all activities according to treatment standards based on the principles of evidence-based medicine

Medical genetics and bioethics

The discipline is aimed at the formation of knowledge and skills in the following areas of medical genetics and bioethics:

Chromosomal abnormalities, causes of the occurrence and development of hereditary diseases, diagnostic genetic studies of orphan and individual congenital anomalies of the development of the child’s body. Genetic testing. Indications for genetic research. Interpretation of the results of a genetic study. Prenatal diagnosis. Neonatal screening.

Basic approaches and principles of bioethics. The highest moral values in medicine. Doctor and patient (legal representatives): ethical models of interaction. Ethics of relationships in the medical team.

Medical errors and iatrogenies in the activities of medical workers. Moral aspects of death and dying, medical indicators of quality of life, ethical preferences of the patient and his legal representatives.

Infectious diseases

Title: EP “Infectious diseases of adults, children”:

Program code: 7R01108

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified infectious disease doctor with professional competencies, able to quickly and correctly respond to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP:  Training of qualified specialists in the specialty “Infectious diseases for adults, children” with professional theoretical knowledge on etiology, the main pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of infectious diseases, practical skills in the diagnosis and treatment of patients, taking into account the achievements of modern infectology.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 apply the skills of planning and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination of patients with infectious diseases;

РО2 interpret the data of clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies in relation to a specific clinical situation in patients with infectious diseases: adults and children of different ages;

РО3 to carry out differential diagnosis and formulate a diagnosis in accordance with modern classifications;

РО4 to choose a safe and effective treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, taking into account the potential risks and concomitant diseases of the patient;

РО5 evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy, predict the outcome of the disease and its complications, and carry out preventive measures;

РО6 to draw up and maintain medical accounting and reporting documentation, to conduct an examination of the quality of medical care;

РО7 to act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

РО8 the ability to effectively interact with patients, their environment, and colleagues;

РО9 discuss and coordinate actions as part of interprofessional teams, express and defend their options for further improvement of results;

РО10 formulate research questions, analyze the scientific data obtained, summarize them, draw conclusions and apply the results in their clinical practice;

РО11 effectively use international databases in daily activities, participate in conferences and other forms of continuous professional development.

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Инфекционные болезни в стационаре

The discipline builds knowledge and skills in:

– conducting a clinical examination, laboratory and instrumental studies;

– differential diagnostic criteria for infectious diseases and justification of the preliminary/clinical diagnosis at the hospital level;

– determination of indications for urgent hospitalization, the choice of safe and effective treatment in a hospital;

– the use of diagnostic and treatment algorithms according to modern protocols for the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in adults;

– definition of antiepidemic and preventive measures;

– principles of emergency care for life-threatening conditions in infectious diseases;

– legislative and regulatory documents on the fight against infectious diseases in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Infectious diseases in the polyclinic

The discipline builds knowledge and skills in:

– organization of outpatient infectious diseases service in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

– the algorithm of early diagnosis and differential diagnosis of infectious diseases at the prehospital stage;

– modern methods of treatment according to clinical protocols of diagnosis and treatment at the prehospital stage;

– tactics of management of patients at the prehospital stage and medical examination of patients with infectious diseases;

– maintenance of outpatient accounting and reporting documentation.

Children’s infectious diseases in the hospital

The discipline builds knowledge and skills in:

– organization and structure of assistance to the children’s population in the Republic of Kazakhstan for infectious diseases in a hospital setting., analysis of the activities of the children’s infectious diseases service;

– the algorithm of diagnosis, differential diagnosis of infectious diseases in different age groups;

– principles of diagnosis, treatment and prevention according to modern clinical protocols for the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in children;

– intensive care for emergency and emergency conditions according to WHO recommendations;

– quarantine measures in children’s institutions.

Children’s infectious diseases in the polyclinic

The discipline forms knowledge and skills in:

– organization of children’s outpatient infectious diseases service;

– outpatient accounting and reporting documentation;

– the mandatory minimum of diagnostic examination in a polyclinic;

– modern pharmacotherapy of infectious diseases in children of various ages in accordance with the protocols for the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in children;

– rehabilitation, prevention, monitoring and medical examination for infectious diseases. diseases in children.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Modern problems of HIV


The discipline builds knowledge and skills in:

– identification of clinical symptoms and syndromes in patients with HIV infection in patients, diagnosis;

– specific laboratory diagnostics;

– modern methods of specific treatment (antiretroviral therapy) and prevention of opportunistic infections;

– the study of scientific and medical information.

Particularly dangerous infections

The discipline builds knowledge and skills in:

– identification of clinical symptoms and syndromes of particularly dangerous infections in patients, diagnosis;

– specific laboratory diagnostics and modern methods of treatment;

– carrying out anti-epidemic measures for particularly dangerous infections.

Viral hepatitis

The discipline builds knowledge and skills in:

– identification of clinical symptoms and syndromes in patients with viral hepatitis in patients, diagnosis;

– specific laboratory diagnostics and modern methods of treatment;

– modern methods of specific treatment and prevention;

– carrying out antiepidemic measures for viral hepatitis;

the study of scientific and medical information.

Herpesvirus infections

The discipline builds knowledge and skills in:

– identification of clinical symptoms and syndromes of herpesvirus infections in patients, diagnosis;

– correct interpretation of the results of laboratory tests when making or removing a diagnosis caused by pathogens;

– specific laboratory diagnostics and modern methods of treatment;

– the study of scientific and medical information.


Title: EP “Cardiology adult, children’s”:

Program code: 7R01107

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified cardiologist with professional competencies, able to respond quickly and correctly to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP:  Training of a highly qualified cardiologist (adult, children’s) with professional competencies, able to quickly and correctly respond to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 to use the skills of diagnosis, interpretation and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations of patients with cardiovascular diseases and risk factors

LО2 to carry out differential diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and formulate a diagnosis in accordance with modern classifications

LО3 diagnose urgent conditions in cardiology and provide emergency emergency care

LО4 to choose a safe and effective treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, taking into account the potential risks and comorbid diseases of the patient

LО5 evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy, predict the outcome of the disease and its complications, and carry out preventive measures

LО6 to draw up and maintain medical accounting and reporting documentation, to conduct an examination of the quality of medical care

LО7 act in accordance with the legal and organizational legislation of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

LО8 effectively interact with the patient, his environment, and healthcare professionals in order to achieve the best results for the patient

LО9 coordinate and analyze actions as part of specialists in related disciplines, express and defend their patient management tactics to achieve the best results of diagnosis and treatment

LО10 formulate research goals and questions, interpret the scientific data obtained, summarize them, draw conclusions and apply the results in their clinical practice

LО11 effectively use international databases in daily practice, participate in conferences and other forms of continuous professional development

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Electrophysiology of the heart

The discipline forms knowledge and skills of conducting modern fundamentals of electrophysiology of cardiac activity, differential diagnosis of the main types of cardiac rhythm and conduction disorders, indications and techniques for intracardiac electrophysiological studies, radiofrequency ablation, implantation of EX, ICD, CT.

Noninvasive cardiovascular imaging

The discipline forms knowledge and skills of conducting basic and special methods of functional diagnostics in cardiology, such as ECG, stress testing (bicycle ergometry and treadmill test), daily monitoring of blood pressure and Holter ECG, as well as ultrasound research methods (transthoracic echocardiography, transesophageal echocardiography, stress echocardiography, ultrasound vascular Dopplerography). Interpretation of the results and

formulation of the conclusion in accordance with international standards and recommendations.

Cardiology in the hospital

The discipline forms knowledge and skills of differential diagnosis, treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system in adults and children in a hospital setting: arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, acute coronary syndromes, cardiac arrhythmias and conduction, tachyarrhythmias and bradyarrhythmias, infectious endocarditis, myocarditis, rhythm and conduction disorders in children, pericardial diseases, cardiomyopathy. To study topical issues of cardiology, cardiorehabilitation and improve the skills of diagnosis and treatment of congenital and acquired heart defects, to determine indications for surgical treatment.

Outpatient Cardiology

The discipline forms knowledge and skills of differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of cardiovascular diseases in adults and children in outpatient settings: arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, acute coronary syndromes, cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders, tachyarrhythmias and bradyarrhythmias, infectious endocarditis, myocarditis. Management of patients with cardiovascular diseases at the PHC level. Teaches the skills of the latest methods of diagnosis and determination of treatment tactics, prevention of risk factors and rehabilitation of patients.

Intensive Cardiology-1

The discipline forms knowledge and skills for the diagnosis and emergency treatment of acute hemodynamic disorders in childhood: life-threatening cardiac rhythm and conduction disorders, acute right and left ventricular heart failure, cardiac arrest in children. Features of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children.

Intensive Cardiology-2

The discipline forms knowledge and skills for the diagnosis and emergency treatment of acute hemodynamic disorders: life-threatening cardiac rhythm and conduction disorders, acute right and left ventricular heart failure, cardiac arrest. Features of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Forms knowledge and skills of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious-inflammatory and non-coronary heart diseases, such as infectious endocarditis, myocarditis, pericardial diseases, cardiomyopathy, chronic heart failure, heart tumors, as well as heart lesions in various diseases and metabolic disorders.

Interventional Cardiology

The discipline forms knowledge and skills of conducting and interpreting interventional methods for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in adults: coronary angiography, stenting of coronary arteries, implantation of occluders, mechanical circulatory support devices

Component of choice (CCCD)

Cardiovascular diseases in pregnant women

The discipline develops the skill of assessing the cardiac risk of pregnancy based on clinical assessment and interpretation of diagnostic procedures; diagnoses and identifies undesirable cardiovascular complications during pregnancy; evaluates maternal and fetal risk in various intervention options.

Clinical ECG

The discipline forms the skill and knowledge of systematic interpretation of ECG in a clinical context, diagnosis of rhythm disturbances and conduction by ECG in 12 leads; features of imaging methods for the detection and localization of ischemia in adults and children.

Rehabilitation of cardiological patients

The elective is devoted to the study of issues of rehabilitation of patients with a cardiological profile – those who have suffered a myocardial infarction,

prosthetics of heart valves, reconstructive operations on the heart and large vessels, as well as combined pathology.

Acute coronary syndrome

The elective is dedicated to the in-depth training of doctors in residency for independent work in providing cardiological medical care for Acute Coronary Syndrome in accordance with the principles of evidence-based medicine and modern achievements of interventional, high-tech medical diagnostic and pharmaceutical technologies.


Title: EP “Adult, children’s neurology”:

Program code: 7R01111

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified neurologist with professional competencies, able to quickly and correctly respond to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP:  Training of a competitive professionally qualified specialist in the field of neurology, in demand in the practical healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, able to meet the needs of society in providing medical care, apply and develop innovative technologies in science, use the achievements of information and communication technologies, strengthen the health of the population

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 to use the skills of diagnosis, interpretation and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations of patients with neurological diseases and risk factors

LО2 to carry out differential diagnosis of neurological diseases and formulate a diagnosis in accordance with modern classifications, choose safe and effective treatment, as well as patient management tactics in accordance with the neurological diagnosis based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, taking into account potential risks

LО3 evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy, predict the outcome of the disease and its complications, ensure effective dynamic monitoring of patients with neurological diseases and carry out preventive measures

LО4 to draw up and maintain medical records of patients with neurological diseases, to conduct an examination of the quality of medical care

LО5 interact with the patient, his parents, relatives, and healthcare professionals as part of an interdisciplinary team to achieve the best results for the patient

LО6 act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the fundamentals of healthcare legislation, as well as take into account regulatory and legal acts regulating the activities of health authorities in the Republic of Kazakhstan

LО7 formulate research questions, analyze scientific databases, form conclusions and apply the results in their clinical activities

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Neurology in the hospital, adult

The discipline is able to substantiate the need for neurological status, interpret the results of basic diagnostic studies; justify the need for drug therapy, with the help of which it is possible to carry out differential diagnosis of major syndromes in neurology.

Neurology in the hospital, children’s

The discipline introduces the resident to modern theoretical knowledge about diseases of the nervous system in children of different age groups, principles and methods of rational diagnosis, treatment in a hospital.

Instrumental research methods in neurology

The residency student learns modern methods of instrumental diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system in adults and children. The resident masters the skills of interpreting the results of EEG, ENMG, EMG, mastering the clinical features of pathology, evaluating the diagnostic and prognostic value of the detected changes, justifying the choice of a particular research method and forming a preliminary clinical and final diagnosis, acquiring knowledge about the stages of research methods and their capabilities.

The discipline teaches the resident to interpret the data of X-ray examination of the skull and spinal column, ultrasound, functional studies (EEG, ENMG), gives knowledge of the indications and methods of conducting these studies, identifying the main syndromes in brain and spinal cord lesions.

Emergency conditions in neurology and neuro-intensive care

The discipline provides knowledge about the classification of levels of impaired consciousness, including coma levels on the Glasgow Coma Scale. The discipline teaches the resident to possess the ability to quickly navigate in an urgent situation, with a shortage of time and information for differential diagnosis of coma, having determined the correct treatment tactics.

The discipline forms knowledge about clinical and additional research methods for emergency conditions in neurology in children, modern data on clinical syndromes and life-threatening conditions that are most common in pediatric neurological practice and require urgent care.

Outpatient neurology, adult

The discipline studies the basics of the organization of outpatient care, monitoring the health of the adult population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Outpatient neurology as a discipline is able to teach a resident to conduct a general clinical examination; interpretation of the results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, clinical diagnosis, fills in and systematizes accounting and reporting documentation, prevention of diseases of the nervous system among the adult population.

Outpatient neurology, children’s

The discipline studies the basics of the organization of outpatient care, monitoring the health of the children’s population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Outpatient neurology as a discipline is able to teach a resident to conduct a general clinical examination; interpretation of the results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, clinical diagnosis, fills in and systematizes accounting and reporting documentation, prevention of diseases of the nervous system among the child population.


The discipline provides knowledge of the main sections of medical rehabilitation, allows you to properly conduct an initial examination, evaluate on various special scales, determine the rehabilitation potential of the patient, analyze the clinical symptoms and pathogenesis of diseases in adults and children with neurological pathology.

The discipline provides an opportunity to possess knowledge of the rehabilitation potential and rehabilitation program of the main sections of neurorehabilitation, which allow for the correct initial examination. In this discipline, the resident can give an adequate assessment of the patient’s condition, conducting a qualified amount of medical rehabilitation, and is also able to fully know the means and methods of treatment for rehabilitation of neurological patients with an assessment of quality of life scales.

Visualization research methods in neurology

The discipline is designed for residents to master the choice of a neuroimaging method with the justification of a particular method and an adequate interpretation of these results of MRI, CT, angiography, ultrasound, EchoEG for the formation of a preliminary clinical and final diagnosis. This discipline is designed to master the clinical features of pathology, assess the diagnostic and prognostic value of imaging research methods, detectable signs and development options, knowledge of indications and contraindications for conducting research methods and their capabilities.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Inflammatory diseases of the peripheral nervous system

The discipline allows the resident to master the basics of theoretical and practical skills of a doctor, to carry out examination, diagnosis, treatment, dynamic monitoring and prevention in primary health care on the spectrum of inflammatory diseases of the peripheral nervous system, regardless of the severity of the condition.

Degenerative diseases of the nervous system

While studying the discipline, the residency student learns the methods of clinical, instrumental diagnosis and treatment of degenerative diseases of the nervous system.

Primary diagnosis of hereditary neuromuscular diseases in children

The discipline forms the resident’s skills of examining patients and their relatives in order to identify congenital and hereditary pathology, assimilate the clinical features of hereditary pathology, assess the diagnostic and prognostic value of detectable symptoms and morphogenetic variants. Acquisition of knowledge and development of skills for the diagnosis of the most common forms of hereditary pathologies.

Tumors and vascular diseases of the nervous system

While studying the discipline, the residency student learns practical diagnostic skills for tumors and vascular diseases, taking into account the etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, and diagnosis. Provides emergency care for urgent conditions detected in this pathology.


Title: EP “Adult and children’s neurosurgery”:

The cipher of the program:7R01129

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified neurosurgeon with professional competencies, capable and ready for independent professional activity, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP:  Training of a qualified neurosurgeon with a system of universal and professional competencies, capable and ready for independent professional activity based on the application and development of advanced innovative, information and communication technologies in practice and science.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 to conduct a neurological examination of the patient, planning and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations of patients with neurosurgical diseases

LО2 interpret the data of clinical, laboratory-instrumental, neuroimaging studies in relation to a specific clinical situation

LО3 to carry out differential diagnosis and formulate a diagnosis in accordance with modern classifications of neurosurgical diseases

LО4 to determine safe and effective treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, taking into account the potential risks and comorbidities of the patient, to establish indications for surgical treatment of neurosurgical pathologies

LО5 to determine the effectiveness of therapy, predict the outcome of the disease and its complications, carry out preventive measures, assist in neurosurgical operations in the pathology of the nervous system

LО6 to draw up and maintain medical accounting and reporting documentation, to conduct an examination of the quality of medical care

LО7 to act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

LО8 effectively interact with patients, his environment, colleagues

LО9 discuss and coordinate actions as part of interprofessional teams, express and defend their options for further improvement of results

LО10 formulate research questions, analyze the scientific data obtained, summarize them, draw conclusions and apply the results in their clinical practice

LО11 effectively use international databases in daily activities, participate in conferences and other forms of continuous professional development

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Fundamentals of neurosurgery

Anatomical and physiological features of the central nervous system. Anatomy of the vessels of the neck and brain and spinal cord. Fundamentals of topical diagnostics of the central and peripheral nervous system. The main problems in acute and the main problems in the acute and intermediate period of TBI. The main problems in the acute and intermediate period in spinal cord injuries and tumors of the spinal cord. The main problems in the acute and intermediate period of brain tumors. The main problems in the acute and intermediate period in vascular diseases of the brain. Neuro-ophthalmological, otoneurological examination. Fundamentals of CT and MRI diagnostics of the brain and spinal cord. Neurorentgenology. Diagnostic operations. The study of the cerebrospinal fluid system of the central nervous system. Qualitative and quantitative changes in CSF. The technique of ventricular puncture. The Arendt system.

Neurosurgery of traumatic brain injury

Classification of traumatic brain injury. Open traumatic brain injury. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment. Closed craniocerebral injury. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment of concussion. Clinic, diagnosis and treatment of brain injuries. Epidural hematomas. Subdural hematomas. Traumatic intracerebral hematomas. Diffuse axonal damage to the brain. Clinic of traumatic arachnoiditis, meningitis, meningoencephalitis. Complications and consequences of traumatic brain injury. Plastic surgery of skull defects.

Spinal neurosurgery

Spinal cord injury. Clinic, diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the cervical and thoracic spine and spinal cord. Clinic, diagnosis and treatment of damage to the lumbosacral spine and spinal cord. Closed and open injuries to the spine and spinal cord. Diagnosis, clinic and treatment of concussion, bruising and reproduction of the spinal cord with partial and complete conduction impairment by hematomyelia. Tumors of the spine and spinal cord. Degenerative-dystrophic disease of the spine. Herniated disc.

Neurosurgery of peripheral nerves

Neurolysis, neuroraphy. Principles of surgical treatment for peripheral nervous system injury. Perineural suture technique. Clinic, diagnosis, conservative and surgical treatment for injuries of the ulnar nerve, median nerve, sciatic nerve, fibular nerve, tibial nerve, brachial plexus. Neurinomas of the peripheral nerves. Volkmann’s contracture.

Neurooncology, parasitic diseases and malformations of the brain

Pathanatomy of brain tumors. MRI and CT diagnostics of CNS tumors. Classification of CNS tumors. Clinic and treatment of tumors of the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. Tumors of the base of the skull. Clinic, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Meningiomas. Clinic, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Intracerebral tumors. Clinic, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Neurinomas. Clinic, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Tumors of the chiasmal-selar region. Clinic, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Tumors of the pineal region, clinic, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Tumors of the posterior cranial fossa, clinic, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Occlusive hydrocephalus, clinic, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. The Arnold–Chiari anomaly. Clinic, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Radiosurgery. Principles of treatment. Chemotherapy principles and features. Parasitic diseases (Echinococcus, Alveococcus, Toxoplasmosis) of the brain. Clinic, etiology, diagnosis, treatment.

Pediatric neurosurgery

Craniosynostoses. Clinic, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Hydrocephalus. Clinic, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Acute cerebrovascular accident in children. Clinic, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Pediatric TBI and spinal cord injury. Clinic, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Tumors in children Clinic, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Disraphy. Clinic, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Vascular diseases in children. Clinic, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment.

Vascular, including interventional angioedema surgery

Cerebral vascular aneurysms. Clinic, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Arteriovenous malformations of cerebral vessels. Carotid-cavernous anastomoses. Clinic, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Hemorrhagic stroke. Clinic, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Ischemic stroke. Clinic, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Thrombectomy. Indications, contraindications, technique of execution. Dural fistulas. Clinic, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment.

Functional and stereotactic neurosurgery

Muscular dystonia, clinic, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Sterotaxis. Biopsies of deep tumors. Pain syndromes. Parkinsonism, hyperkinesis. Clinic, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Surgical treatment of epilepsy. Neuromodulation operations: deep stimulation of the brain and spinal cord.

General Surgery

General issues of the organization of surgical services in the republic, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms of major surgical diseases, their prevention, diagnosis and principles of treatment, the basis of diagnosis and emergency care in urgent conditions.

Neurophysiology and neuropathomorphology

The function of the nervous system and its structure. Neuroanatomy, neurobiology, neuropsychology, electrophysiology. Neurophysiological diagnostic methods: neuromonitoring, tractography, ENMG, EEG, functional MRI, positron emission tomography, echoencephalography. Functional organization of the nervous system, neural sensors for organizing reflex behavior and checking the systemic organization of brain functions.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Tumors and vascular diseases of the brain

Brain tumors, their histological structure. An algorithm for the diagnosis of neurosurgical vascular pathology. Classification of CNS tumors. Clinic and treatment of tumors. Emergency conditions in angioedema surgery. Hemorrhagic, ischemic stroke. Clinic, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment.

Otoneurological disorders in central nervous system lesions

Otoneurological symptoms and syndromes in various nosological forms of neurosurgical pathology. Indications and contraindications for conservative therapy, surgical intervention in patients with tumors and vascular, inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system, with otoneurological disorders. Liquorrhea. Clinic, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment.


Title: EP “Neonatology”:

Program code: 7R01103

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified neonatologist with professional competencies, able to quickly and correctly respond to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP:   Training of qualified, competitive neonatologists capable of meeting the needs of society in providing medical care, applying and developing advanced innovative technologies in practice and science, using the achievements of information and communication technologies in the field of neonatology

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 to organize and provide medical care to a newborn and premature baby in the delivery room

LО2 demonstrate knowledge and provide assistance to newborn children with various pathologies

LО3 apply the skills of clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination of newborns and interpret them in relation to a specific clinical situation

LО4 to carry out differential diagnosis and formulate a diagnosis in accordance with modern classifications

LО5 to choose safe and effective treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, taking into account potential risks and predict the outcome of the disease and its complications, to carry out preventive measures

LО6 to draw up and maintain medical accounting and reporting documentation, to conduct an examination of the quality of medical care

LО7 interact with patients, their environment, colleagues and coordinate actions as part of inter-professional teams

LО8 analyze the scientific data obtained, summarize them, draw conclusions and apply the results in your clinical practice

LО9 to act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

LО10 discuss and coordinate actions between professional teams, express and defend their options for further improvement of results

LО11 effectively use international databases in daily activities, participate in conferences, congresses and other forms of continuing professional education

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Neonatology in the hospital

The discipline forms knowledge and skills on the organization of neonatal services, allows you to improve theoretical and practical knowledge on etiopathogenesis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention of physiological and pathological conditions of the newborn period, skills of independent work with medical documentation are formed

Pathology of newborns-1

The discipline forms the knowledge and skills of providing medical care to sick newborns and premature infants in the Department of neonatal pathology with clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations with interpretation of the results with the possibility of independent work with medical documentation

Pathology of newborns-2

The discipline improves theoretical and practical knowledge on etiopathogenesis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention of pathological conditions in newborns. Having wide access to medical documentation, the resident will be given the opportunity to analyze the incidence and draw conclusions.

Nursing premature babies

The discipline forms knowledge on the organization, practical skills of working with deeply premature babies in the nursing departments of premature newborns, with the possibility of their curation, maintaining medical records, analyzing them, preventing complications, prescribing planned high-tech examination methods, searching for literary data on rare pathologies.

Neonatal intensive care and intensive care

Special attention in the study of this discipline is paid to the organization, provision of primary resuscitation of newborns and the peculiarities of resuscitation of children with very low and extremely low body weight, with the acquisition of practical skills by working out resuscitation algorithms, taking into account international experience and evidence-based medicine.

Outpatient neonatology

When studying this discipline, attention is paid to the correction of early anemia, the management of children with BPD and retinopathy of outpatient management of newborn children after discharge from the nursing departments of premature infants, taking into account international experience and protocols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In this cycle, it will be possible to analyze the morbidity of children born with ENMT in the catamnesis.

Neonatal Neurology

The discipline studies the principles of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of neurological diseases of newborns occurring in the perinatal period and will help identify children at risk for CNS damage, study the features of the clinic and management of children with severe central nervous system damage, analyze catamnestic observation, search for literature data on rare CNS pathologies.

Neonatal surgery

The program highlights all surgical diseases that a neonatologist will be able to meet in his practice and will be able to make a differential diagnosis, will know the tactics of management in a maternity hospital, indications for emergency transfer to a specialized surgical hospital.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Functional diagnostics in neonatology

The discipline forms knowledge, practical skills, algorithms for constructing diagnostic studies for diseases of the lungs, heart, abdominal organs, central nervous system, bone system by X-ray, NG, ultrasound.

Urgent conditions in neonatology

The discipline builds knowledge and skills in providing emergency care for life-threatening conditions of newborns and premature infants: choose safe and effective treatment taking into account potential risks, evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, predict complications, issue informed consent, conduct interviews, and analyze critical conditions.

Early and late neonatal infections

The discipline develops knowledge, skills in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of early and late infections in newborn children, studies the frequency of various infections and modern methods of treatment and prevention, taking into account international experience.

Perinatal infections

The discipline forms the knowledge and skills of conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations to identify signs of intrauterine specific infection and to carry out differential diagnosis and treatment at the level of obstetric institutions.

Emergency medicine

Title: EP “Emergency medicine for adults, children”:

Program code: 7R01125

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified emergency medicine doctor with professional competencies, able to quickly and correctly respond to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP: Training of specialists capable of meeting the needs of society in providing medical care, applying and developing advanced innovative technologies in practice and science, using the achievements of information and communication technologies, and strengthening public health.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 to carry out the patient’s admission in the conditions of SNMP, PHC. Formulate a preliminary diagnosis, prescribe a treatment plan and evaluate its effectiveness based on evidence-based practice at all levels of medical care

LО2 demonstrate communication skills in communicating with the patient and his relatives, healthcare professionals; effectively interact in an interdisciplinary teamLО3 оценивать риски, используя более эффективные методы, для обеспечения высокого уровня безопасности и качества диагностики

LО4 to act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

LО5 formulate adequate research questions, critically evaluate professional literature, and effectively use international databases in their daily activities

LО6 demonstrate the skills to study independently and train other members of a professional team, actively participate in discussions

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Anesthesiology and intensive care

The discipline forms knowledge and skills for the diagnosis and provision of intensive emergency medical care for critical conditions, violations of vital organs in the conditions of NMP: cardiac arrest, acute right and left ventricular heart failure, PE, shocks, comatose states, acute airway obstruction in adults and children.

Urgent conditions in therapy

The discipline forms knowledge and skills of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and emergency medical care of diseases of internal organs in patients in the conditions of NMP: urgent conditions in pulmonology, cardiology, gastroenterology, hematology, endocrinology, and allergology, taking into account the peculiarities of treatment of the elderly and pregnant women.

Emergency medicine in pediatrics and neonatology

The discipline forms knowledge and skills of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and emergency medical care in children with acute medical conditions, taking into account age characteristics.

Emergency Neurology and psychiatry

The discipline forms the knowledge and skills of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, emergency medical care of neurological diseases in the conditions of NMP: acute cerebral circulatory disorders (strokes), traumatic brain injuries, acute inflammatory diseases of the brain and spinal cord and their membranes, convulsive syndrome, mental diseases (anxiety-depressive states, suicide, psychosis, dementia, epilepsy, autism), taking into account the specifics of providing assistance to children and the elderly.

Emergency conditions in obstetrics and gynecology

The discipline forms knowledge and skills of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, emergency medical care for emergency conditions in obstetrics and gynecology at the prehospital stage: gestosis of pregnant women, childbirth, ectopic pregnancy, algodismenorrhea, bleeding, cardiac arrest in a pregnant woman.

Emergency conditions in traumatology, orthopedics and accidents

The discipline forms knowledge and skills of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, emergency medical care for injuries at the prehospital stage: bone fractures, dislocations, sprains, external bleeding; in case of accidents, taking into account the specifics of providing assistance to children and the elderly.

Emergency conditions in surgery in adults and children

The discipline forms the knowledge and skills of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, emergency medical care for surgical diseases in the conditions of NMP: abdominal syndrome, acute bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, pulmonary bleeding, strangulated hernia, taking into account the specifics of providing care to children and the elderly.

Urgent conditions in infectious diseases of adults and children

The discipline forms knowledge and skills of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and emergency medical care in the clinic of infectious diseases at the prehospital stage: acute airborne, gastrointestinal, and especially dangerous infections in adults and children.

Radiology and functional diagnostics

The discipline forms knowledge and skills of ECG interpretation, ultrasound, echocardiography, daily ECG monitoring, SMAD in adults and children

Emergency conditions in ophthalmology

The module forms knowledge and skills of diagnostics, differential diagnosis, emergency medical care for eye diseases and injuries in emergency and emergency medical care for adults and children.

Urgent conditions in otorhinolaryngology

The module forms knowledge and skills of diagnostics, differential diagnosis, emergency medical care for diseases and injuries of ENT organs in emergency and emergency medical care for adults and children.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Topical issues

of emergency conditions in

the clinic of internal


The discipline forms the knowledge and skills of conducting, interpreting and processing remote ECG reports for ischemia and myocardial infarction, life-threatening cardiac rhythm and conduction disorders, hypertrophy of the heart chambers in adults and children. The discipline forms the knowledge and skills of using special medical equipment in the conditions of the SNMP.

Work in the conditions of the PMK complex

The discipline forms the knowledge and skills of conducting modern methods of rapid diagnosis of emergency conditions in adults and children in the conditions of the SNMP.


Title: EP “Nephrology for adults, children”:

Program code: 7R01119

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified nephrologist with professional competencies, able to quickly and correctly respond to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP: Training of a highly qualified nephrologist with a system of universal and professional competencies, capable and ready for independent professional activity based on the application and development of advanced innovative, information and communication technologies in practice and science.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 apply skills in planning and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations of patients with nephrological diseases and risk factors

LО2 interpret the data of clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies in relation to a specific clinical situation

LО3 to carry out differential diagnosis and formulate a diagnosis in accordance with modern classifications

LО4 to choose a safe and effective treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, taking into account the potential risks and comorbidities of the patient

LО5 evaluate the effectiveness of therapy, predict the outcome of the disease and its complications, and carry out preventive measures

LО6 to draw up and maintain medical accounting and reporting documentation, to conduct an examination of the quality of medical care

LО7 to act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

LО8 he is able to effectively interact with patients, his environment, and colleagues

LО9 discuss and coordinate actions as part of interprofessional teams, express and defend their options for further improvement of results

LО10 formulate research questions, analyze the scientific data obtained, summarize them, draw conclusions and apply the results in their clinical practice

LО11 effectively use international databases in daily activities, participate in conferences and other forms of continuous professional development

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Adult Nephrology

The main nephrological diseases in adults. Clinical, laboratory, and instrumental diagnostics of major nephrological pathologies in adults in a hospital setting. Algorithms for diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention of major nephrological pathologies at the outpatient level. Organization of adult rehabilitation. The basics of dispensary supervision, methods of secondary prevention of nephrological diseases in adults. Organization of inpatient and outpatient nephrological services in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Accounting and reporting documentation. Clinical protocols, recommendations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and International medical communities in the field of nephrology.

Nephrology for children

The main nephrological diseases in children. Clinical, laboratory, and instrumental diagnostics of major nephrological pathologies in children in a hospital setting. Algorithms for diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention of major nephrological pathologies at the outpatient level. Organization of rehabilitation of children. The basics of dispensary supervision, methods of secondary prevention of nephrological diseases in children. Organization of inpatient and outpatient nephrological services in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Accounting and reporting documentation. Clinical protocols, recommendations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and International medical communities in the field of nephrology.

Interventional nephrology

Fundamentals of interventional nephrology, the origins of modern vascular access for hemodialysis, innovations in peritoneal dialysis, the foundation of interventional nephrology, epidemiology of vascular access for hemodialysis, global trends and differences in the use of vascular access, complications associated with vascular access. Vascular topography determination, catheter removal for peritoneal dialysis, surgical aspects of vascular access.

Clinical nephromorphology

Diagnosis, treatment, prevention, rehabilitation from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine. Differential diagnosis. Medical examination of chronic patients. Examination of the ability to work. Topical issues of sports nephrology.

Dialysis therapy

Dialysis is an extracorporeal or intracorporeal specialized treatment method through formed access. Hemodialysis is a specialized semi-selective membrane method of extracorporeal dialysis using artificial kidney devices. Methods, approaches and procedures for diagnosis and treatment, indications and contraindications to the procedure, treatment of complications of hemodialysis.

Transplantation and immunology

The study of immunology and the development of methods of transplantation of kidney diseases in children and adults. Selection of a safe and effective immunosuppressive therapy protocol for patients before and after kidney transplantation, including subsequent dose adjustment: diagnosis and emergency care for transplant rejection crises

Kidney pathology in pregnant women

Features of kidney pathology in pregnant women, clinical and laboratory examinations, differential diagnosis, choice of safe and effective treatment of kidney diseases in pregnant women. Physiological and pathological changes in the urinary system during pregnancy. Diagnosis, principles of management of pregnant women with kidney diseases. Issues of safety and risk of pregnant women with renal diseases based on regulatory documents adopted in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Advisory assistance to pregnant women in outpatient and inpatient care.

Ultrasound diagnostics

The importance of visual research methods (ultrasound and others) in the diagnosis of diseases of the urinary system. Features of methods of ultrasound diagnostics of organs of the urinary system. An algorithm for constructing a diagnostic study of patients with nephrological pathology. The optimal choice of visual diagnostic methods in nephrology. Features of visual diagnostics in children. The main policy documents defining the activities of healthcare institutions in the field of ultrasound diagnostics. General issues of the organization of ultrasound diagnostics. Diagnostic capabilities of ultrasound. Indications and contraindications to ultrasound. Principles of examination and preparation of patients for ultrasound examination. Conducting ultrasound diagnostics of the urinary system organs. Ultrasound of the urinary system organs is a normal ultrasound anatomy.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Chronic kidney disease and nephrological aspects of kidney transplantation

Chronic kidney disease (CKD). Management tactics for patients with CKD. Determination of indications for laboratory and instrumental studies and interpretation of the results. Emergency conditions in nephrology: diagnostics, resuscitation measures. Algorithms for diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention of major nephrological pathologies.

Kidney damage in cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders

Algorithms for diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention of major nephrological pathologies. Fundamentals of diagnosis and therapy in nephrology in a day hospital. The basics of dispensary supervision, methods of secondary prevention of nephrological diseases in adults and children. Obesity and metabolic syndrome.

General surgery

Title: EP “General surgery”:

Program code: 7R01136

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified general surgeon with professional competencies, capable and ready for independent professional activity, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice

The purpose of the EP: Training of highly qualified specialists in the specialty “General Surgery”, possessing a system of universal and professional competencies, capable and ready for independent professional activity, capable of performing surgical interventions, proficient in surgical techniques, based on the application and development of advanced innovative, information and communication technologies in practice and science.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 he is able to apply the skills of planning and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations of a patient with risk factors, interpret the data obtained

LО2 he is able to perform surgical interventions, master surgical techniques

LО3 He is able to carry out differential diagnosis and formulate a diagnosis in accordance with modern classifications

LО4 he is able to choose a safe and effective treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, taking into account the possible risks and comorbidity of the patient

LО5 He is able to assess the risk factors for complications in surgical disease and use the most effective methods to ensure a high level of quality and safety of medical care

LО6 he is able to issue and maintain medical accounting documentation, conduct an examination of the quality of medical care

LО7 able to act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

LО8 He is able to effectively interact with patients, their environment, and colleagues

LО9 He is able to discuss and coordinate actions within professional groups, express and defend his options for further improvement of results

LО10 He is able to formulate research questions, analyze the scientific data obtained, summarize them, draw conclusions and apply the results in clinical practice

LО11 He is able to effectively use international databases in his daily activities, participate in conferences and other forms of continuous professional development

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Elective surgery

Organization of planned surgical care. Modern principles of preoperative preparation of planned patients. Conducting diagnostic invasive and surgical interventions. Echinococcosis and alveococcosis of the lungs. Complications of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Diseases of the operated stomach. Surgical diseases of the intestine and mesentery. Surgical diseases of the liver and biliary tract

Emergency surgery

Organization of emergency surgical care. Conducting diagnostic invasive and surgical interventions. Current assessments of the severity of the condition (APACHEII scale, Glasgow scale). Triage system. Acute diseases of the chest organs. Foreign bodies of the respiratory tract and esophagus. Mediasthenitis. Acute diseases of the esophagus. Chest injury. Pneumothorax. Hydrothorax. Pleuropulmonary shock.

Penetrating chest wounds. Complications of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer: perforation, bleeding. Foreign bodies of the stomach. Acute intestinal obstruction. Acute appendicitis. Acute violation of mesenteric circulation. Liver injuries. Cirrhosis of the liver and portal hypertension syndrome. Cholelithiasis and its complications. Acute pancreatitis. Abdominal hernias and their complications. Abdominal injury.

Purulent surgery

The doctrine of wounds. The pathomorphology of the wound process. Phases of the course of the wound process. Aerobic infection. Anaerobic infection, Tetanus. Rabies and its prevention. Laboratory diagnosis of a purulent wound. Pathogenesis of purulent-inflammatory complications and diseases. Antiseptics in surgery. Antibiotics in surgery. Features of surgical sepsis. Septic shock. Immunology of sepsis. Diabetic foot as a problem of purulent surgery. Modern approaches to the treatment of purulent wounds. Physical methods of treatment of purulent wounds. Detoxification methods in the treatment of purulent wounds. Delimited purulent-inflammatory complications of the abdominal cavity (subdiaphragmatic, subhepatic, interstitial, pelvic abscess). Conducting diagnostic invasive and surgical interventions.

Surgery in the clinic

General principles of the organization of surgical care at the prehospital stage. Modern methods of treatment of purulent wounds. Conducting diagnostic invasive and surgical interventions. Furuncle, carbuncle, erysipelas, hydradenitis, erisepeloid. Abscess, phlegmon, osteomyelitis, panaritium, bursitis, tendovaginitis. Mastitis. Anaerobic nonclostridial infection. Anthrax carbuncle, rabies, tetanus. Diabetes mellitus. Diabetic foot. Vascular diseases (acute phlebothrombosis, and thrombophlebitis, arterial embolism). Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, epithelial coccygeal passage. Bruises, wounds, animal bites, frostbite, burns. Bone fractures, traumatic osteomyelitis, Dislocations, habitual dislocation of the shoulder. Renal colic, acute urinary retention.

Thoracic surgery

Suppurative diseases of the lungs and pleura: pleural empyema, lung abscess, lung gangrene. Bronchiectatic disease. Cysts and polycystic lung disease. Spontaneous pneumothorax. Lung cancer. Gunshot wounds to the chest. Pneumothorax. Hemopneumothorax. Pleuropulmonary shock. Wounds and ruptures of the lungs, trachea and large bronchi. Open and closed injury of the heart and large vessels. Combined injury. Cysts, tumors of the mediastinum. Conducting diagnostic invasive and surgical interventions.

Pediatric Surgery

Traumatology of childhood. Dislocations, intraarticular fractures.

Congenital dislocation of the hip. Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis. Traumatic brain injury in children. Combined traumatic brain injury. Burns, burn disease. Torticollis. Systemic diseases of the skeleton. Osteochondropathy in children. Clubfoot. Congenital dislocation of the hip.

Acute appendicitis and its complications in children. Pinched hernias. Purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues. Paraproctitis in children.Conducting diagnostic invasive and surgical interventions.

Thoracic surgery

Suppurative diseases of the lungs and pleura: pleural empyema, lung abscess, lung gangrene. Bronchiectatic disease. Cysts and polycystic lung disease. Spontaneous pneumothorax. Lung cancer. Gunshot wounds to the chest. Pneumothorax. Hemopneumothorax. Pleuropulmonary shock. Wounds and ruptures of the lungs, trachea and large bronchi. Open and closed injury of the heart and large vessels. Combined injury. Cysts, tumors of the mediastinum. Conducting diagnostic invasive and surgical interventions.

Pediatric Surgery

Traumatology of childhood. Dislocations, intraarticular fractures.

Congenital dislocation of the hip. Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis. Traumatic brain injury in children. Combined traumatic brain injury. Burns, burn disease. Torticollis. Systemic diseases of the skeleton. Osteochondropathy in children. Clubfoot. Congenital dislocation of the hip.

Acute appendicitis and its complications in children. Pinched hernias. Purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues. Paraproctitis in children.Conducting diagnostic invasive and surgical interventions.


Semiotics, conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination and interpretation of data for inflammatory diseases and injuries of the genitourinary organs, urolithiasis, urological diseases, differential diagnosis, selection of safe and effective treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine. Assessment of risk factors for complications in urological disease and the use of the most effective treatment methods.

Anesthesiology and intensive care

Clinical assessment of the condition of patients and the choice of anesthesia methods. Preoperative assessment of the condition of patients and the choice of the anesthesia method in accordance with the criteria of severity during planned and urgent operations. Preparation of the patient for surgery, prevention of possible complications. Monitoring of the patient’s vital functions in the surgical period and early postoperative period. Organization of intensive care and intensive care units. Establishment of a syndrome-by-syndrome diagnosis, identification of pathological leading syndromes, prevention of complications of the underlying disease, pathogenetic and syndrome-by-syndrome intensive care, resuscitation measures. Respiratory support and therapy of obstructive and restrictive lung lesions. Rules of transfusion.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Innovative technologies in the diagnosis and treatment of surgical diseases

The development of laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgery. Equipment and tools for laparoscopic and thoracoscopic operations. The basic technique of laparoscopic, thoracoscopic interventions. Laparoscopic interventions for cholelithiasis. Laparoscopic splenectomy.

Laparoscopic appendectomy.

Laparoscopic adhesiolysis.

Laparoscopic interventions in acute pancreatitis. Laparoscopic interventions for intestinal diseases. Laparoscopic technologies for injury of the chest and abdomen. Laparoscopic hernioplasty. Complications in endovideosurgery.

Endovideoscopy in thoracic surgery

Clinical topographic anatomy and physiology of the thoracic cavity organs. Thoracoscopy. Tracheobronchoscopy. Mediastinoscopy. Epipharyngoscopy. Pharyngolaryngoscopy. Sanation bronchoscopy. Operative bronchoscopy. Operative thoracoscopy.

Endoscopic diagnosis in gastroenterology

Nosological forms of diseases with bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. Mechanical hemostasis (clipping, ligation). Injectable hemostasis. Coagulation hemostasis. Sclerosing therapy. Indications and contraindications, complications and technical difficulties in performing endoscopic hemostasis.

Endoscopic diagnosis of pancreatobiliary diseases

Endoscopic anatomy of the pancreatobiliary zone. X-ray examination of the pancreatobiliary zone. A duodenoscope device. Differences in the methods of performing research with devices with end and side optics. Instruments for performing ERCP, EPST, biliary and pancreatic duct stenting. Indications and contraindications to ERCP, EPST. Cirrhosis of the liver. Biliary dyskinesia. Chronic cholecystitis. Housing and communal services. Choledocholithiasis. Chronic pancreatitis. Tumors of the bile ducts and BDS. Tumors of the pancreas. The technique of cannulation of BDS. Separate cannulation of the pancreatic and biliary ducts. EPST technique, littextration. Stenting of the biliary and pancreatic ducts. The dangers and complications of endobiliary endoscopic interventions. Correction methods.


Title: EP “Otorhinolaryngology adult, children’s”:

Program code: 7R01124

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified otorhinolaryngologist with professional competencies, able to quickly and correctly respond to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP: The purpose of the program is to train highly qualified specialists in the specialty “Adult and pediatric Otorhinolaryngology” with professional theoretical knowledge on the main etiological, pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of ENT diseases and practical skills in diagnosis and treatment of patients taking into account the achievements of modern otorhinolaryngology

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 apply skills in planning and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations of patients with diseases of the ear, throat, nose and risk factors

LО2 interpret the data of clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies in relation to a specific clinical situation

LО3 to carry out differential diagnosis and formulate a diagnosis in accordance with modern classifications

LО4 to choose a safe and effective treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, taking into account the potential risks and the patient’s background diseases

LО5 evaluate the effectiveness of therapy, predict the outcome of the disease and its complications, and carry out preventive measures

LО6 to draw up and maintain medical accounting and reporting documentation, to conduct an examination of the quality of medical care

LО7 to act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

LО8 he is able to effectively interact with patients, his environment, and colleagues

LО9 discuss and coordinate actions as part of interprofessional teams, improve results based on an evidence-based and reasoned approach

LО10 formulate research questions, analyze the scientific data obtained, summarize them, draw conclusions and apply the results in their clinical practice

LО11 effectively use international recommendations on your specialty and research data, constantly improve your knowledge and skills based on international experience

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Emergency otorhinolaryngology

The discipline forms the ability to demonstrate knowledge on general issues of emergency care for diseases of the ENT organs. The student will demonstrate knowledge of the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms of major emergency otorhinolaryngological diseases, their prevention, diagnosis and principles of emergency care.

The discipline forms knowledge of the regulatory framework in otorhinolaryngology. Develops the ability to analyze the quality, effectiveness and safety of diagnostic methods of diseases. Analyzes scientific databases and applies the results in his clinical practice. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. He continuously improves his professional level.

Anesthesiology and intensive care

After graduation, the student demonstrates knowledge of drugs used in anesthesiology, knowledge of the rules of infusion and transfusion therapy during anesthesia. It is able to monitor respiration and blood circulation, diagnose various complications during anesthesia and surgery, diagnose circulatory arrest, and perform resuscitation (CPR). Demonstrates knowledge of modern principles and methods of intensive care for various diseases, syndromes and critical conditions.

The discipline forms knowledge of the regulatory framework in otorhinolaryngology. Develops the ability to analyze the quality, effectiveness and safety of diagnostic methods of diseases. Analyzes scientific databases and applies the results in his clinical practice. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. He continuously improves his professional level.

Otorhinolaryngology outpatient adult

The discipline is aimed at mastering by the resident the amount of theoretical and practical knowledge that is necessary for an otorhinolaryngologist in daily outpatient work. Forms knowledge of modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of major surgical diseases of the ear, throat and nose in adults. Develops skills to interpret data from clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies. Formulate conclusions after differential diagnosis.

The discipline forms knowledge of the regulatory framework in otorhinolaryngology. Develops the ability to analyze the quality, effectiveness and safety of diagnostic methods of diseases. Analyzes scientific databases and applies the results in his clinical practice. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. He continuously improves his professional level.

Otorhinolaryngology in the adult hospital

The discipline is aimed at mastering the volume of theoretical and practical knowledge of ENT diseases in a hospital setting by a resident. Forms knowledge of modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of major surgical diseases of the ENT organs in adults, surgical pathology of the organs of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, diseases of the ear and larynx, knowledge and practical skills in the surgical treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat, as well as further observation in a polyclinic.

The discipline forms knowledge of the regulatory framework in otorhinolaryngology. Develops the ability to analyze the quality, effectiveness and safety of diagnostic methods of diseases. Analyzes scientific databases and applies the results in his clinical practice. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. He continuously improves his professional level.

Otorhinolaryngology outpatient children’s clinic

The discipline forms knowledge about the specifics of diagnosis and care for children in outpatient settings, forms skills to improve the quality of medical care for the children’s population. Develops skills to interpret data from clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies, demonstrate the acquired knowledge about the features of ear, throat, nose pathologies in children, as well as therapeutic manipulations and surgical interventions. Formulate conclusions after differential diagnosis.

The discipline forms knowledge of the regulatory framework in otorhinolaryngology. Develops the ability to analyze the quality, effectiveness and safety of diagnostic methods of diseases. Analyzes scientific databases and applies the results in his clinical practice. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. He continuously improves his professional level.

Otorhinolaryngology in the children’s hospital

The discipline is aimed at mastering the volume of theoretical and practical knowledge of ENT diseases in a hospital setting by a resident. Forms knowledge of modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of major surgical diseases of the ENT organs in children, surgical pathology of the organs of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, diseases of the ear and larynx, knowledge and practical skills in the surgical treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat, as well as further observation in a polyclinic.

The discipline forms knowledge of the regulatory framework in otorhinolaryngology. Develops the ability to analyze the quality, effectiveness and safety of diagnostic methods of diseases. Analyzes scientific databases and applies the results in his clinical practice. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. He continuously improves his professional level.

ENT oncology

The discipline is aimed at mastering the volume of theoretical and practical knowledge of oncological diseases of the ENT organs by the resident. The student will demonstrate knowledge on the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms of major oncological otorhinolaryngological diseases, their prevention, diagnosis and principles of oncological care.

The discipline forms knowledge of the regulatory framework in otorhinolaryngology. Develops the ability to analyze the quality, effectiveness and safety of diagnostic methods of diseases. Analyzes scientific databases and applies the results in his clinical practice. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. He continuously improves his professional level.

Functional endoscopic rhinosinus surgery

The discipline forms the ability to demonstrate knowledge in the field of functional endoscopic rhinosinus surgery, skills in differential diagnosis, diagnosis, prescribing conservative or surgical treatment for diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses.

The discipline forms knowledge of the regulatory framework in otorhinolaryngology. Develops the ability to analyze the quality, effectiveness and safety of diagnostic methods of diseases. Analyzes scientific databases and applies the results in his clinical practice. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. He continuously improves his professional level.


The purpose of the discipline “Phoniatry” is to form the foundations of knowledge of otorhinolaryngologists in the field of modern diagnosis, clinic and treatment of pathologies of the vocal apparatus, trends in the development of ideas about the rehabilitation of patients with various pathology of the larynx, and familiarization with the basics of hygiene of the vocal apparatus.

The discipline forms knowledge of the regulatory framework in otorhinolaryngology. Develops the ability to analyze the quality, effectiveness and safety of diagnostic methods of diseases. Analyzes scientific databases and applies the results in his clinical practice. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. He continuously improves his professional level.


The discipline forms knowledge of the definition, etiology, pathogenesis, clinic of ear diseases, clinical laboratory and instrumental, skills of differential diagnosis, diagnosis, appointment of conservative or surgical treatment based on the acquired basic knowledge. The discipline forms knowledge of the regulatory framework in otorhinolaryngology. Develops the ability to analyze the quality, effectiveness and safety of diagnostic methods of diseases. Analyzes scientific databases and applies the results in his clinical practice. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. He continuously improves his professional level.

Ear Microsurgery

The discipline forms the ability to demonstrate knowledge in the field of ear microsurgery, skills in differential diagnosis, diagnosis, prescribing surgical treatment for diseases of the hearing organs, rehabilitation of deaf patients with surgical methods.

The discipline forms knowledge of the regulatory framework in otorhinolaryngology. Develops the ability to analyze the quality, effectiveness and safety of diagnostic methods of diseases. Analyzes scientific databases and applies the results in his clinical practice. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. He continuously improves his professional level.

Sign Language

The discipline is aimed at mastering the theoretical foundations of auditory function by students, methods of audiological examination of the auditory vestibular analyzer, to assess the condition of the hearing organs, depending on the clinical pathology of the ENT organs.

The discipline forms knowledge of the regulatory framework in otorhinolaryngology. Develops the ability to analyze the quality, effectiveness and safety of diagnostic methods of diseases. Analyzes scientific databases and applies the results in his clinical practice. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. He continuously improves his professional level.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Rhinogenic orbital and intracranial complications

Upon completion of the training, the specialist will demonstrate knowledge on the etiology and pathogenesis of rhinogenic orbital and intracranial complications, clinic, diagnosis and treatment tactics of this pathology. Differentiate and correctly describe, solve the issues of therapeutic manipulation and preparation for surgical interventions in a polyclinic and hospital, knowledge of modern methods of endonasal surgery, etc.

Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. Continuously improves his professional level and analyzes scientific databases.

Otogenic intracranial complications

The discipline is aimed at mastering knowledge on the etiology and pathogenesis of otogenic intracranial complications, assessing the severity of the condition of patients, for making a preliminary diagnosis in order to carry out further diagnostic methods to determine treatment tactics.

Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. Continuously improves his professional level and analyzes scientific databases.

Innovative technologies in otorhinolaryngology

Upon completion of the training, the specialist will conduct modern methods of examination of ENT organs, including endoscopy for diseases of the nose, throat, larynx and ear, indications and contraindications for coffeosurgery in children, conduct preoperative preparation. Modern approaches to performing hearing-enhancing operations, cochlear implantation, new drugs, methods of examination and treatment. Removal of audiograms in patients, interpretation of the results, examination of the auditory and vestibular analyzer, removal of audiograms, tympanograms, otoactic emission, VSWP in patients, interpretation of the results of the study. selection of hearing aids individually for patients.

Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. Continuously improves his professional level and analyzes scientific databases.

Microsurgery in otorhinolaryngology

The discipline is aimed at having knowledge of middle ear microsurgery. Materials for prosthetic hearing bones. Surgical removal of congenital and acquired deformities and defects of the auricle, atresia of the external auditory canal. Types of tympanoplasty and stapedoplasty. Endolaryngeal microsurgery. The technique of execution, the stages of the operation, complications. Surgery of the soft palate, palatine tonsils. Laser in minimally invasive surgery of the soft palate, technique of execution. Immediate and long-term results. Treatment of tonsillitis by cryodestruction.

Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. Continuously improves his professional level and analyzes scientific databases.


Title: EP “Ophthalmology adult, children’s”:

Program code: 7R01112

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified ophthalmologist with professional competencies, able to quickly and correctly respond to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP:  Подготовка квалифицированного врача-офтальмолога, обладающего системой универсальных и профессиональных компетенций, способного и готового к самостоятельной профессиональной деятельности на основе применения и развития передовых инновационных, информационных и коммуникационных технологий в практике и науке.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 apply the skills of planning and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination of patients with eye diseases

LО2 interpret the data of clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies in relation to a specific clinical situation

LО3 to carry out differential diagnosis and formulate a diagnosis in accordance with modern classifications

LО4 to choose a safe and effective treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, taking into account the potential risks and comorbidities of the patient

LО5 evaluate the effectiveness of therapy, predict the outcome of the disease and its complications, and carry out preventive measures

LО6 to draw up and maintain medical accounting and reporting documentation, to conduct an examination of the quality of medical care

LО7 to act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

LО8 effectively interact with patients, his environment, colleagues

LО9 discuss and coordinate actions as part of interprofessional teams, express and defend their options for further improvement of results

LО10 formulate research questions, analyze the scientific data obtained, summarize them, draw conclusions and apply the results in their clinical practice

LО11 effectively use international databases in daily activities, participate in conferences and other forms of continuous professional development

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Ophthalmology outpatient

The history of the development of ophthalmology. Ophthalmological service in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The evolution of the organ of vision (phylogeny). The development of the human eye (ontogenesis). Anatomy and physiology of the organ of vision. Methods of examination of the organ of vision. The functions of the visual analyzer and the methodology of their study (central and peripheral vision). Physiological optics. Accommodation. Methods for determining clinical refraction. Clinic, correction, and treatment of various types of refraction.

Ophthalmology in the hospital – 1

Diseases of the eyelids. Conjunctival diseases. Diseases of the lacrimal tract. Diseases of the lacrimal gland. Diseases of the cornea in children and adults. Diseases of the sclera. Diseases of the vascular membrane of the eye in children and adults. Neoplasms and congenital anomalies of the vascular membrane. Diseases of the lens in children and adults. Anomalies of the lens. Pathology of the vitreous body. Retinal diseases in children and adults. Retinal abnormalities. Diseases of the optic nerve in children and adults. Tumors of the optic nerve.

Ophthalmology in the hospital – 2

Pathology of intraocular pressure.

Ophthalmohypertension. Hypotension of the eye. Binocular vision. Diseases of the oculomotor system. Strabismus. Nystagmus. Inflammatory diseases of the orbit. Tumors of the orbit. Changes in the organ of vision in general diseases. Damage to the organ of vision (eye socket, appendages, eyeball). Radiation diagnostics of a foreign body (X-ray of the orbit, ultrasound, CT, X-ray localization of a foreign body). Complications of penetrating eye wounds. Blunt force trauma to the eye. Burns to the eye. Occupational lesions of the organ of vision. Emergency ophthalmological care at the stages of medical evacuation. Medical and Social Expert Commission (MSEC).


Topographic anatomy of the organ of vision. Operating unit, instrumentation, suture material. Anesthesia in ophthalmology. Types of sutures and incisions in ophthalmic surgery. Primary surgical treatment for various injuries of the visual organ. Cataract removal techniques, viscoelastics and intraocular lenses. Surgical and postoperative complications. Sympathetic ophthalmology, methods of eye removal.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Retinal detachment

Topographic anatomy of the organ of vision. Diagnosis of retinal detachment (cycloscopy, fundus examination using aspherical lenses 66*, 90*, 134* diopters, perimetry, ultrasound). Classification of retinal detachment. Types of surgical treatment of retinal detachment. Indications and contraindications for surgical treatment. Postoperative management of patients with retinal detachment.

Tumors of the organ of vision

Benign and malignant tumors of the eyelids and conjunctiva. Melanoma of the vascular membrane. Retinoblastoma, glioma. Benign and malignant tumors of the orbit. Diagnosis, clinic, treatment.

Strabismus in children

The condition of pathologically altered cornea, lens, vitreous body. The condition of the fundus. The technique of refractokeratometry. Interpret the ultrasound data A, B scan.

Vascular diseases of the retina and optic nerve

Methods of ophthalmoscopy – indirect, direct. To assess the condition of the excavation of the optic disc and optic nerve. Interpret the data of optical coherence tomography of the eye. Methods of diagnosis and treatment of vascular diseases of the retina and optic nerve.


Name: EP “Pediatrics”:

Program code: 7R01102

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified pediatrician with professional competencies, able to quickly and correctly respond to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP: Training of highly qualified pediatric specialists to provide high-quality and safe medical care to children. Continuing education to improve knowledge, skills and abilities related to the need to be relevant in a professional environment

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 Analyze and interpret the results of clinical and laboratory research, discuss the differential diagnosis, formulate a clinical diagnosis, draw up a treatment plan and management tactics in accordance with the clinical diagnosis and potential risks based on evidence-based practice; apply algorithms for diagnosis and emergency care at the prehospital stage in urgent conditions in children; use modern methods of treatment and rehabilitation of children with diseases various organs and systems

LО2 Interact in an interdisciplinary team; demonstrate commitment to ethical principles; understand the need for confidentiality in professional relationships with the patient and parents/guardians

LО3 Evaluate the quality, effectiveness and safety of methods for diagnosing diseases of childhood and adolescence, work in a team to effectively provide patient-oriented care that is safe

LО4 To act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to organize child care in the healthcare system, based on the current regulatory framework for medical care

LО5 Apply scientific methods of cognition in professional activities, formulate research questions and analyze scientific databases, apply the results in their clinical practice

LО6 To develop the ability to self-assess one’s own knowledge and skills in providing medical care to children, set goals for further education and self-improvement, eliminate gaps in knowledge and skills through training

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Children’s diseases in the hospital

Forms knowledge, skills of diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and forecasting of the course of childhood diseases at the level of organization of inpatient care in accordance with the NPA. Applies the clinical protocols of the RK. Continuously improves his professional level and analyzes scientific databases. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records.

Intensive care in pediatrics

Forms knowledge, skills of diagnosis, treatment and intensive therapy of syndromes of private and severe manifestations in children in accordance with the NPA. Applies the clinical protocols of the RK. Continuously improves his professional level and analyzes scientific databases. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records.

Outpatient pediatrics

Applies knowledge and skills in the organization of outpatient care for children. It uses algorithms for differential diagnosis, dispensary supervision, medical and social expertise, and prevention within the framework of existing NPA of the health care system for primary health care. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams. Continuously improves his professional level and analyzes scientific databases.

Emergency medical care

The discipline forms knowledge and skills for mastering algorithms of emergency care for threatening conditions in children at the prehospital stage in various age periods within the framework of the existing NPA of the healthcare system. Continuously improves his professional level and analyzes scientific databases. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams, registration of medical documentation.


Develops skills in diagnosis, application of clinical treatment protocols, methods of prevention, forecasting the course of diseases of the newborn period within the framework of existing NPA of the healthcare system at the level of organization of inpatient and outpatient neonatal care. Demonstrates knowledge of the WHO program on effective perinatal care. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records. Continuously improves his professional level and analyzes scientific databases.

Childhood infections

Forms knowledge and skills for the application of effective and timely diagnostic algorithms, differential diagnosis, tactics of treatment and prevention of infectious diseases in children: OCI, viral hepatitis, airborne droplet infections, helminthiasis, forms skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams, processing medical documentation, Applies the principles of IVBDV in the management of children under 5 years old.

Pediatric Surgery

Forms knowledge and skills for mastering the basic principles of diagnosis, differential diagnosis and medical care for surgical diseases, including using modern methods of surgical interventions, determining indications and contraindications for surgical intervention. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams, registration of medical documentation.

Pediatric phthisiology

Forms knowledge on the organization of phthisiological care for children, methods of detection and diagnosis, prevention of various forms of tuberculosis in children, conducting antiepidemic work in foci; forms skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams, registration of medical documentation.

Pediatric Dermatology

Forms knowledge on methods of detection and diagnosis, treatment of skin diseases in children. Conducting preventive measures; Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams, registration of medical documentation.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Current issues of children’s dietetics

He knows the physiological foundations of dietetics, the metabolism in the body in normal and pathological conditions, the interrelationships of the functional systems of the body and the levels of their regulation. Uses the basic principles of therapeutic and dietary nutrition in the complex therapy of children suffering from various diseases.

Multivinflammatory syndrome in children associated with SARS COV-2

Forms knowledge, skills for diagnosing and predicting the course of MVS syndrome. Applies the clinical protocols of the RK. Develops skills of working with the patient and his environment as part of interprofessional teams; skills of maintaining medical records.

Universally progressive patronage model – basic

Conducts a system of “home visits” by a care worker to young children, including the prenatal period. Meeting with a family in their own environment gives a specialist a unique opportunity to understand problems and make the right decision.

Universal-progressive patronage model – advanced

Identifies and provides enhanced support to families who are experiencing socio-economic difficulties, psychosocial stress, and other adverse circumstances so that they can take care of themselves and their children to ensure optimal growth and development.


Title: EP “Adult, children’s psychiatry”:

Program code: 7R01116

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified psychiatrist with professional competencies, able to quickly and correctly respond to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice

The purpose of the EP: The purpose of the educational program is to train specialists in the specialty “Adult and children’s psychiatry” to provide the healthcare industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan with competent qualified personnel in the field of mental health protection of citizens of all ages capable of independent professional activity based on advanced innovative, information and communication technologies.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 patient supervision: is able to conduct a psychiatric examination and describe the mental state of the patient, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of health; carry out a psychiatric examination with the consent of the patient, his legal representative, guardian, guardianship and guardianship authority; apply anamnestic (catamnestic), clinical – psychopathological, clinical, experimental psychological research methods, as well as interpret their results, including laboratory and instrumental studies; formulate a syndromic and clinical diagnosis, prescribe a treatment plan and evaluate its effectiveness based on evidence-based practice at all levels of medical care; apply clinical protocols for the diagnosis and treatment of mental and behavioral disorders in practice, carry out medical rehabilitation of persons with PD

LО2 communication and collaboration: is able to effectively interact with the patient, his environment, and healthcare professionals in order to achieve the best results for the patient; organize, provide psychiatric care to patients, taking into account their rights and obligations, in compliance with the requirements of the secrecy of a medical worker, the code of honor of a medical worker; diagnose and treat working together with a team (team); organize their professional activities taking into account the fulfillment of their duties and observance of the rights of a medical worker in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of health

LО3 safety and quality: is able to assess risks and use the most effective methods to ensure a high level of safety and quality of medical care; to use safety measures in their activities in the provision of medical care in the field of mental health

LО4 public health: able to act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including in the field of mental health; provide basic assistance in emergency situations; work as part of interprofessional teams to implement the policy of strengthening the health of the nation

LО5 researches: able to formulate adequate research questions; critically evaluate professional literature; effectively use international databases in their daily activities; participate in the work of the research team

LО6 training and development: able to study independently and train other members of a professional team; actively participate in discussions, conferences and other forms of continuous professional development

LО7 expert activity: is able to carry out expert diagnostic activities: examination of temporary disability, ITU, SPE, SNE, VVE, quality of medical care, requiring the synthesis of special (theoretical and practical) knowledge (including innovative) and practical experience; is able to independently search, analyze and evaluate professional information in expert diagnostic activities; to carry out research and innovation activities for the development of new knowledge and procedures for the integration of knowledge in the expert diagnostic field of activity

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Psychiatry, including children’s inpatient care-1

Organizational and legal bases for providing medical and social assistance in the field of mental health to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The general semiotics of mental disorders, including childhood ones. Dysontogenetic syndromes of mental illnesses observed in childhood and adolescence. Methods of examination of persons with PPR, including children. Emergency care in psychiatry and narcology, including in children. Treatment of PPD, including in children. Expertise in psychiatry, including in children. ICD -10. General characteristics of the PPR group Class V, Cipher F00 – 98. Features of maintaining primary medical records, collecting anamnestic information.

Psychiatry, including children’s inpatient care-2

Organization of medical care in inpatient departments of a psychiatric hospital. Organization of medical and social assistance in the field of mental health in the form of inpatient care. Addiction, addictology, narcology. Sexopathology.

Psychiatry, including children’s outpatient clinics

Organization of medical and social assistance in the field of mental health (adult and children). Psychiatric examination. Dynamic surveillance: dynamic surveillance groups of individuals with PPR. Methods of examination of persons with PPR, in the conditions of outpatient polyclinic service. Outpatient treatment of people with PPR, including children: psychopharmacotherapy, psychoprophylaxis, psychohygiena and medical rehabilitation. Psychotherapy (adult psychotherapy, child psychotherapy, peculiarities of conducting outpatient services).

Medical Psychology

Psychological aspects of the professional activity of medical workers. Psychology of the treatment process. The basics of psychological impact in the clinic. Psychological support of the diagnostic and therapeutic process. Psychology of the therapeutic process. Coping behavior. Psychological (behavioral) reactions of patients to the disease. The main models of building a doctor-patient relationship. Crisis psychology.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Somatogenic, psychosomatic and somatoform mental disorders in general clinical practice

The concepts of somatogenic, psychosomatic, somatoform mental disorders. The classical classification. Classification of psychosomatic disorders in ICD-10. Common signs of psychosomatic disorders. The main directions of the development of psychosomatic medicine. Stages of stress according to G.Selye. Mental disorders in somatic diseases. Mental disorders manifested in the somatic sphere. Fundamentals of neurosology: characteristics, diagnosis, criteria of psychogeny, neurotic syndromes, forms of neuroses, concepts of neurosogenesis. Mechanisms of psychological protection. Evaluation scales. General strategies of care, pharmacotherapy of psychosomatic diseases, psychotherapy.

Late-life mental disorders in general clinical practice

General characteristics of mental disorders of late age. The main reasons. Classification of cognitive disorders according to ICD-10. Classification of cognitive impairment, taking into account the severity. Functional (reversible) mental disorders of late age. Clinical and paraclinical methods of diagnosis of cognitive disorders. Psychometric scales used in the diagnosis of cognitive impairment in the aging process. Organization of medical and social care for patients with cognitive disorders at various stages of medical care. Features of drug therapy in patients with mental disorders associated with cognitive decline. Prevention of cognitive disorders and dementia, and maintenance of mental health in the aging process. Non-drug methods of prevention and rehabilitation for dementia and pre-drug conditions.


Title: EP “Adult, children’s pulmonology”:

Program code: 7R01114

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified pulmonologist with professional competencies, able to quickly and correctly respond to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP: To prepare a specialist pulmonologist with a system of universal and professional competencies necessary to provide specialized pulmonological care to adults and children, capable and ready for independent professional activity, constant self–improvement and integration of scientific knowledge in accordance with the requirements of the world community.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 conduct clinical and laboratory research, differential diagnosis and formulate a clinical diagnosi, determine a treatment plan and management tactics in accordance with the clinical diagnosis and potential risks based on evidence-based practice

LО2 demonstrate collaboration in an interdisciplinary team; commitment to ethical principles; understand the need for confidentiality in professional relationships with the patient and parents/guardians

LО3 analyze the quality, effectiveness and safety of methods for diagnosing diseases of adult, child and adolescent age, work in a team to effectively provide patient-oriented care that is safe

LО4 to act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to coordinate the care of adults and children in the healthcare system, based on the current regulatory framework for the provision of medical care

LО5 apply scientific methods of cognition in professional activities, formulate research questions and analyze scientific databases, apply the results in their clinical practice

LО6 develop the ability to self-assess their own knowledge and skills in providing medical care to adults and children, set goals for further education and self-improvement, eliminate gaps in knowledge and skills through training

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Pulmonology outpatient-1, adult

Forms knowledge and skills of conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies, diagnostics, choosing safe and effective treatment, working with primary documentation, prevention of respiratory diseases at the PHC level, functional diagnostic methods in pulmonology, the general principle of broncholytic and antibacterial therapy, conducting medical examinations of patients and MSEC, sanitary and wellness measures, predicting the course of acute and chronic respiratory diseases in adults at the outpatient level in accordance with the NPA.

Pulmonology outpatient-2, adult

Forms knowledge and skills for conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies, diagnostics, choosing safe and effective treatment, working with primary documentation, prevention of respiratory diseases at the PHC level, conducting medical examinations of patients and MSEC, sanitary and wellness measures, predicting the course of allergic and occupational lung diseases, sleep disorders in adults on an outpatient basis the level in accordance with the NPA. Forms knowledge on pulmonary rehabilitation, respiratory support at the outpatient stage.

Pulmonology outpatient clinic-1, children’s

Forms knowledge and skills of conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies, diagnostics, differential diagnosis of bronchopulmonary diseases and functional diagnostic methods, choosing safe and effective treatment, prevention of respiratory diseases at the PHC level, medical examination and MSEC of bronchopulmonary diseases in children, sanitary and wellness measures, forecasting the course of acute and chronic respiratory diseases in children at the outpatient level in accordance with the NPA. Forms knowledge on the services provided by the OSMS, GOBMP.

Pulmonology outpatient-2, children’s

Forms knowledge and skills of conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies, diagnostics, choosing safe and effective treatment, prevention of respiratory diseases at the PHC level, conducting medical examinations of patients and MSEC, sanitary and wellness measures, rehabilitation of children with bronchopulmonary diseases, predicting the course of orphan diseases, congenital malformations of the bronchopulmonary system in children, hereditary lung and bronchial diseases in children at the outpatient level in accordance with the NPA.

Pulmonology in the hospital-1, adult

Forms knowledge and skills of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, conducting visual diagnostic methods in pulmonology, pathomorphology in pulmonology, pharmacotherapy in pulmonology, forecasting the course of acute and chronic respiratory diseases in adults at the level of organization of inpatient care in accordance with the NPA.

Pulmonology in the hospital-2, adult

Forms knowledge and skills of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, choice of safe and effective treatment, prevention, visual diagnostic methods in pulmonology, pathomorphology in pulmonology, pharmacotherapy in pulmonology, forecasting the course of phthisiopulmonological, oncopulmonological, interstitial and orphan lung diseases, abnormalities of the bronchopulmonary system and suppurative processes in the lungs in adults at the level of organization of inpatient assistance in accordance with the NPA. Develops knowledge on intensive and interventional pulmonology.

Pulmonology in the hospital-1, children’s

Forms knowledge and skills of diagnosis, conducting visual diagnostic methods in pediatric pulmonology, pharmacotherapy in pediatric pulmonology, choosing safe and effective treatment, prevention, forecasting the course of pulmonological diseases associated with various pathogenic factors, allergic diseases of the respiratory tract in children at the level of organization of inpatient care in accordance with the NPA.

Pulmonology in the hospital-2, children’s

Forms knowledge and skills of diagnosis, selection of safe and effective treatment, prevention, prediction of the course of congenital anomalies of the bronchopulmonary system and genetically determined diseases, interstitial lung diseases in children at the level of organization of inpatient care in accordance with the NPA. Forms knowledge on intensive pulmonology of childhood.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Clinical pharmacology in pulmonology

Forms knowledge and skills on rational pharmacotherapy in pulmonological practice, on the principle of rational pharmacotherapy for certain diseases, on the examination of the quality of medical care.

Rehabilitation for respiratory diseases

Develops knowledge and skills on the organization of rehabilitation measures for respiratory diseases in adults and children. The principles of rational methods of rehabilitation for certain diseases of childhood and adults in accordance with the NPA and quality analysis of the effectiveness and safety of diagnostic methods for diseases of adult, childhood and adolescence.

Emergency pulmonology

Develops knowledge and skills on the organization of emergency care for respiratory diseases in adults and children in accordance with the NPA. Algorithms for differential diagnosis of pulmonary syndromes. Causes and clinical signs of severe pneumonia.


Develops knowledge and skills in the organization of clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations, differential diagnosis, selection of safe and effective treatment, prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis in accordance with the NPA.


Name: EP “Radiology”:

Program code: 7R0113

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified radiologist with professional competencies, able to quickly and correctly respond to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP: Training of a qualified radiologist with a system of universal and professional competencies, capable and ready for independent professional activity in performing specialized high-tech diagnostic studies, based on the application and development of advanced innovative, information and communication technologies in practice and science.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 to interpret the result of the radiation method of investigation after its independent implementation in a specific clinical case

LО2 to carry out differential radiation diagnostics and formulate a conclusion based on the principles of evidence-based medicine

LО3 interpret the result of a comprehensive radiation examination of the patient with the development of further recommendations

LО4 effectively interact with the patient, his environment, and healthcare professionals in order to achieve the best results for the patient

LО5 to assess risks, including radiation methods, using more effective ones, to ensure a high level of safety and quality of diagnosis

LО6 to act within the framework of the legal and organizational field of the system of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty “Radiology”, to work as part of interprofessional teams

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)


The discipline forms knowledge and skills of the regulatory framework in radiology, conducting X-ray research methods with the interpretation of their results in normal and pathological conditions, determining indications and contraindications, conducting differential X-ray diagnostics, formulating conclusions, assessing the risks of X-ray methods and using the most effective of them in adult patients. The ability to work as part of a group of specialists of different profiles.

Pediatric Radiology

The discipline forms the knowledge and skills of conducting and interpreting X-ray research methods, determining indications and contraindications, conducting differential X-ray diagnostics in children, formulating conclusions, assessing the risks of X-ray methods and using the most effective of them in children, effective interaction with the patient in pediatrics and his environment, healthcare professionals.

Radiology in Mammology

The discipline forms the knowledge and skills of conducting and interpreting mammography, conducting differential diagnosis of breast pathology, formulating a mammographic conclusion based on the principles of evidence-based medicine with a recommendation for further examination. The ability to identify and prevent a high degree of risk for patients in this manipulation.

Ultrasound diagnostics

The discipline forms the knowledge and skills of conducting and interpreting the results of the ultrasound examination method in children and adults, conducting differential ultrasound diagnostics, formulating conclusions based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, effective interaction with the patient, his environment, and healthcare professionals.

Computed tomography

The discipline forms the knowledge and skills of conducting and interpreting the results of computed tomography in children and adults, conducting differential CT diagnostics, formulating conclusions, assessing CT risks, analyzing scientific databases, applying the scientific results obtained in the clinical practice of a radiation diagnostician.

Magnetic resonance imaging

The discipline forms the knowledge and skills of conducting and interpreting the results of magnetic resonance imaging in children and adults, conducting differential MR diagnostics, formulating conclusions, the regulatory framework for radiation diagnostics, working as part of interprofessional teams, effective interaction with the patient, his environment, and healthcare professionals.

Nuclear medicine

Дисциплина формирует знания и навыки проведения и интерпретации результатов методов ядерной медицины, дифференциальной радионуклидной диагностики, формулирования заключения, оценки рисков методов ядерной медицины для пациентов и медицинского персонала.

Comprehensive radiation diagnostics of diseases of organs and systems

The discipline forms knowledge and skills of interpreting the result of a comprehensive radiation examination of a patient, with the development of further recommendations, conducting differential radiation diagnostics and formulating a conclusion, assessing the risks of radiation diagnostics methods and using the most effective of them.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Ultrasound in emergency medicine

The discipline forms knowledge and skills to interpret the result of the ultrasound examination method after its independent ultrasound examination in a specific clinical case and emergency service conditions for injuries of the abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space, pelvic pathology, pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, emergency conditions in cardiology. Formulate conclusions after differential diagnosis. The ability to establish contact with the patient and his environment.

Neurosonography with brain Dopplerography

The discipline forms knowledge and skills to interpret the result of the ultrasound method of examining the brain of children under 1 year old, after its independent examination, ultrasound in outpatient and inpatient conditions and ultrasound in a specific clinical case with suspected brain damage and screening according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, under the dynamic supervision of specialists (neonatologists, pediatricians, GPS, neuropathologists and neurosurgeons). Formulate a correct conclusion based on the principles of evidence-based medicine.

The history of the development of the radiological service

The discipline introduces the history of the development and formation of the radiological service and informs the listener about the negative impact on the human body using the example of historical facts. Forms a clear understanding of the sections and periods of development of radiology, including: X-ray diagnostics or radiology, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound), radionuclide diagnostics, interventional radiology, PET

Principles of diagnosis in MRI

The discipline informs about the physical principles of obtaining an MRI image, as well as the principles of image construction and reconstruction during MRI scanning using digital technologies. This section will provide information about contraindications to MRI studies and the main advantages and disadvantages of MRI. Detailed information on standard and special MRI techniques will be provided.


Name: EP “Therapy”:

Program code: 7R01118

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified general practitioner with professional competencies, able to respond quickly and correctly to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP: Training of a highly qualified general practitioner with a system of professional competencies, capable of independent professional activity based on the application and development of advanced innovative, information and communication technologies in practice and science.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 apply the skills of planning and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations of the adult population with various diseases and risk factors

LО2 interpret the data of clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies in relation to a specific clinical situation

LО3 to carry out differential diagnosis and formulate a diagnosis in accordance with modern classifications

LО4 to choose a safe and effective treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, taking into account the potential risks and comorbidities of the patient

LО5 evaluate the effectiveness of therapy, predict the outcome of the disease and its complications, and carry out preventive measures

LО6 to draw up medical documentation within the framework of the specialty provided for by law.

LО7 to act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

LО8 the ability to effectively interact with patients, their environment, and colleagues

LО9 discuss and coordinate actions as part of interprofessional teams, express and defend their tactical options to further improve results

LО10 formulate research questions, analyze the scientific data obtained, summarize them, draw conclusions and apply the results in their clinical practice

LО11 effectively use international databases in daily activities, participate in conferences and other forms of continuous professional development

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Inpatient therapy

The discipline forms knowledge and skills for conducting clinical examination, laboratory and instrumental studies, differential diagnosis and the choice of effective treatment of patients with pathology of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, connective tissue, blood at the hospital level; for the application of diagnostic and treatment algorithms according to modern diagnostic and treatment protocols therapeutic diseases in adults; according to legislative and regulatory documents in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Outpatient therapy

The discipline forms knowledge and skills in conducting clinical examination, laboratory and instrumental studies, differential diagnosis and selection of effective treatment of patients with pathology of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, connective tissue, blood at the outpatient level, modern methods of treatment according to clinical protocols of diagnosis and treatment at the outpatient stage, the tactics of managing patients at the outpatient stage and medical examination of patients, the organization of outpatient polyclinic services in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the management of outpatient accounting and reporting documentation.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Clinical ECG

Impaired conduction function. Violation of the function of automatism. Violation of the function of excitability. ECG in IM. ECG in conduction disorders: sinoatrial, atrial and atrioventricular. ECG for intraventricular conduction disorders. Extrasystoles are monofocus and polyphocus.

Extragenital pathology during pregnancy

Kidney disease and pregnancy. Pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis in pregnant women. Liver diseases and pregnancy. Pneumonia and pregnancy. Features of the clinic and the course of pneumonia in pregnant women. Modern approaches to the treatment of pneumonia. Antibacterial therapy of pneumonia in pregnant women. Anemia in pregnant women. Definition and classification of anemia. Iron deficiency anemia. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Treatment of iron deficiency anemia.


Title: EP “Traumatology-orthopedics for adults, children”:

Program code: 7R01121

EP’s Mission: Training of a competitive orthopedic traumatologist with professional competencies, ready for independent work, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP: Training of a qualified orthopedic traumatologist with a system of universal and professional competencies, capable and ready for independent professional activity based on the application and development of advanced innovative, information and communication technologies in practice and science.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 apply skills in planning and conducting clinical, instrumental and hardware examinations of patients with traumatological and orthopedic diseases and risk factors

LО2 interpret the data of clinical, hardware and instrumental studies in relation to a specific clinical situation

LО3 to carry out differential diagnosis and formulate a diagnosis in accordance with modern classifications

LО4 to choose a safe and effective treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, taking into account the potential risks and comorbidities of the patient

LО5 evaluate the effectiveness of surgical, laser and drug treatment, predict the outcome of the disease and its complications, and carry out preventive measures

LО6 to draw up and maintain medical accounting and reporting documentation, registers, documentation for medical and social expertise, to conduct an examination of the quality of medical care

LО7 to act within the legal and organizational framework of the health system of the Republic, to carry out preventive work among the population, to plan and organize work in the health system to implement a policy of strengthening the health of the nation

LО8 interact with the patient, his environment, and healthcare professionals as part of an interdisciplinary team to achieve the best results

LО9 discuss and coordinate actions as part of interprofessional teams, express and defend their options for further improvement of results

LО10 formulate research questions, analyze the scientific data obtained, summarize them, draw conclusions and apply the results in their clinical practice

LО11 effectively use international databases in daily activities, prepare presentations and substantiate scientific research, participate in conferences and other forms of continuous professional development

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Traumatology and orthopedics outpatient children’s

The discipline forms the knowledge and skills of conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations, differential diagnosis, and choosing safe and effective outpatient treatment for children. Upon completion of the discipline, he will possess the required amount of knowledge, skills and practical skills for self-conducting diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures in inpatient and outpatient traumatology.

Traumatology and orthopedics outpatient adult

Upon completion of the discipline, the student will know the general issues of the organization of traumatological and orthopedic care in an outpatient clinic, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms of major traumatic diseases, their prevention, diagnosis and principles of treatment, the basis of diagnosis and emergency care in emergency conditions, in traumatological and orthopedic diseases. He will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the definition, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, skills of differential diagnosis, diagnosis, prescribing conservative or surgical treatment based on the acquired basic knowledge. Medical examination of patients with the consequences of injuries in a polyclinic. Be able to work in a team.

Traumatology and orthopedics in the children’s hospital

Upon completion of the discipline, the student will form an extensive and deep volume of basic, fundamental medical knowledge that forms the professional competencies of a doctor in pediatric traumatology, who is able to successfully solve his professional tasks and improve his professional activities, who has clinical thinking, is well-versed in complex pathology, and has in-depth knowledge of related disciplines.

Traumatology and orthopedics in the adult hospital-1

High-tech interventional methods for the diagnosis and treatment of major pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and skeletal injuries: closed reposition of fragments, open reposition of fragments, reduction of limb dislocations, osteosynthesis of bone fractures of various localization, application of fixing bandages such as plaster, scotch arthroscopy of large joints, endoprosthetics of large joints.

Traumatology and orthopedics in the adult hospital-2

Fractures of the bones of the limbs. Fractures of the Wheel, Smith, Montage, Galliazi, Bennett. Fractures of the ribs, sternum. Hemothorax, pneumothorax. Spinal fractures are complicated and uncomplicated. Fractures of the pelvis, with violation of the pelvic ring and without violation of the pelvic ring. Gunshot fractures. Polytrauma, combined injury, combined injury. Traumatic shock. Damage to muscles and tendons. Dislocations of bones in joints. Classification, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, surgical interventions. Selection of patients for traumatological and orthopedic operations. Indications and contraindications for the operation. Clinical protocols of diagnosis and treatment, recommendations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international communities in the field of VSMP. Prevention of thromboembolic complications.

Traumatology and orthopedics in the adult hospital-3

Scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis. Deformities and shortening of limb bones. False joints and limb bone defects. Contractures and ankylosis of the joints of the extremities. Benign bone tumors and tumor-like bone diseases. Osteochondropathy. Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. Epiphyseal, metaphyseal, spondyloepiphyseal chondrodysplasia. Classification clinic, diagnosis, treatment, surgical interventions

Component of choice (CCCD)

Medical blockades

The development of the blockade. Features and types of blockade: diagnostic, therapeutic, medicinal. Indications and contraindications for the blockade. Complications and ways of prevention.

Arthroscopy of the knee and shoulder joint

Anatomical, physiological and functional features of the knee and shoulder joint. Biomechanics of the knee and shoulder joint. Development of the arthroscopic service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Indications and contraindications for arthroscopy of the knee and shoulder joint. Diagnostic arthroscopy and operative. Meniscus suture, vaporization, tunneling, mosaic chondroplasty, restoration of PKS, ZKS, and other ligation elements of the joint. Decompression of the impression syndrome, anchor fixation of the rotator cuff, lips, vaporization, tunneling, mosaic chondroplasty, transposition. Postoperative administration and complications.

Urology and andrology

Title: EP “Urology and andrology for adults, children”:

Program code: 7R01131

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified urologist and andrologist with professional competencies, able to quickly and correctly respond to health challenges, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity, focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP: Training of a qualified urologist – andrologist with a system of universal and professional competencies, capable and ready for independent professional activity based on the application and development of advanced innovative, information and communication technologies in practice and science.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 apply skills in planning and conducting clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations of patients with diseases of the urinary tract and risk factors, interpret the data obtained

LО2 perform surgical interventions, master surgical techniques, provide urological care

LО3 to carry out differential diagnosis and formulate a diagnosis in accordance with modern classifications

LО4 to choose a safe and effective treatment based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, taking into account the potential risks and comorbidities of the patient

LО5 evaluate the effectiveness of therapy, predict the outcome of the disease and its complications, and carry out preventive measures

LО6 to draw up and maintain medical accounting and reporting documentation, to conduct an examination of the quality of medical care

LО7 to act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

LО8 he is able to effectively interact with patients, his environment, and colleagues

LО9 discuss and coordinate actions as part of interprofessional teams, express and defend their options for further improvement of results

LО10 formulate research questions, analyze the scientific data obtained, summarize them, draw conclusions and apply the results in their clinical practice

LО11 effectively use international databases in daily activities, participate in conferences and other forms of continuous professional development

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)


Clinical, laboratory, instrumental diagnostics and treatment of urological diseases and abnormalities of the genitourinary organs. Semiotics of urological diseases. The doctor’s tactics for acute urinary retention, kidney and urinary tract injuries. The basic principles of endoscopic treatment of urological patients. Urolithiasis. Hydronephrotic transformation, pyelonephritis. Renal colic. Urate lithium. Calculous anuria. Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy, ecrocorporal shock wave lithotripsy. Metaphylaxis of nephrolithiasis. Primary and secondary bladder stones. Endourological methods of lithotripsy. Cystolithotomy. Stones of the urethra and prostate gland. Disorders of urination (dysuria). Ureteral abnormality: achalasia, ureterocele, ectopia. Abnormalities of the bladder: exstrophy, diverticula. Double bladder. Bladder fistula.


Inflammatory diseases of the urethra, prostate gland, seminal tubercle, seminal vesicles, appendages of the testicle. Neoplasms of the genital organs in men: benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer. Neoplasms of the external genitalia. Male infertility. Sexual dysfunction.


General concepts of oncourological service in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the main methods of diagnosis of precancerous and cancerous diseases in urology at the prehospital stage. Classification of malignant tumors by stages (I-IV stages) and by the TNM system of genitourinary organs. Practical skills on modern principles of diagnosis of precancerous and cancerous diseases of MPO, interpretation of the results of the examination from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine. Independent implementation of instrumental diagnostic methods.

Pediatric Urology

Organization of the pediatric urological service in Kazakhstan. Age-related features. The algorithm of diagnosis, differential diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary system in children, features of the course. The choice of laboratory and instrumental research methods in urology in children and their interpretation. Pharmacological therapy in pediatric urology, indications for surgical treatment. Treatment of diseases and malformations of the genitourinary system in children.


Concepts of phthisiourology. Familiarization with the differential methods of diagnosis and dispensary follow-up for tuberculosis of the genitourinary organs. To determine the indications for conservative, surgical treatment. Clinic, diagnosis, complications.


Laparoscopic surgery for varicocele. Laparoscopic surgery for abdominal cryptorchidism in adults. Laparoscopic nephrectomy, laparoscopic excision of kidney cysts. Laparoscopic ureterolithotomy. Laparoscopic retroperitoneal surgery. Laparoscopic reconstructive surgery of the bladder. Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. Laparoscopic transvaginal radical cystectomy. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Laparoscopic nephrolithotomy. Laparoscopic nephropexy.

Radiation, ultrasound diagnostics in urology

Computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, radioisotope methods of examination of urological patients. X-ray examination methods: overview rengenography, intravenous urography, retrograde pyelography, kidney angiography, cystography. Preparation of the patient for urorentgenological research methods. Radiation research methods in urology, indications, contraindications to them. Interpretation of the research results.

Modern diagnostic methods (ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys, bladder, prostate and scrotum organs) of urological and andrological patients. Ultrasound semiotics of organ diseases in adults and children of various ages with diseases of the urinary system.

Outpatient urology

Rational antibiotic therapy and other methods of conservative treatment of urological patients. Modern principles of diagnosis and treatment of urological patients. X-ray diagnostics, ultrasound, endoscopic diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary system. Protocols for the diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases. Innovative technologies in the treatment and diagnosis of urological patients at the pre-hospital stage.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Pyelonephritis and urolithiasis in pregnant women

Features of kidney pathology in pregnant women, clinical and laboratory examinations, differential diagnosis, choice of safe and effective treatment of kidney diseases in pregnant women. Forms knowledge, skills for diagnosis, prevention, and prediction of the course of diseases of the urinary tract at the level of organization of inpatient care in accordance with the NPA.

Endovideosurgical interventions in urology

Innovative technologies of surgical treatment of urological pathology. Indications and contraindications.

Minimally invasive urology

Innovative technologies in instrumental diagnostics and surgical treatment of urological pathology.

Infravesical obstruction

The theory of urination. SNMP classifications. Mastering algorithms and standards for the diagnosis and treatment of incontinence and neurogenic disorders.

Medical care for acute urinary retention. Clinical, laboratory, and instrumental diagnostics for infravesical obstruction.

Physical medicine and rehabilitation

Title: EP “Physical medicine and rehabilitation for adults, children”:

Program code: 7R01132

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified doctor of physical medicine and rehabilitation, possessing professional competencies, capable and ready for independent professional activity, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, ready for independent activity focused on improving the health of society through quality education, applied science and practice.

The purpose of the EP: Training of a qualified, competitive doctor of physical medicine and rehabilitation, proficient in modern methods of diagnosis and treatment based on evidence–based medicine, able to work independently, meet the needs of society in providing medical care to the population regardless of age and gender, apply and develop advanced innovative technologies in practice and science, use the achievements of information and communication technologies.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

LО1 apply the skills of planning and conducting a rehabilitation examination, including clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies, as well as the use of various special questionnaires and tests to measure the level of impairment of patients

LО2 to analyze the data of the rehabilitation examination and interpret the degree of damage to organs or systems, the effect of physical defects on the patient’s vital activity, on the level of his functional capabilities in relation to a specific case

LО3 formulate a rehabilitation diagnosis indicating the degree of impairment of the patient’s daily life in accordance with the international classification of functioning

LО4 to create a safe and effective individual rehabilitation plan (IAP), including multidisciplinary and patient-centered approach based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, taking into account potential risks and comorbidities of the patient

LО5 prescribe a treatment plan and evaluate it evaluate the effectiveness of therapy based on evidence-based practice at the level of physical medicine and provide rehabilitation and habilitation care to patients with diseases of various systems and the human body as a whole

LО6 to draw up and maintain medical accounting and reporting documentation, to conduct an examination of the quality of medical care

LО7 to act within the framework of the regulatory legal act and the organizational field of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the appointment/conduct of effective rehabilitation

LО8 effectively interact with patients, their relatives and environment, with colleagues

LО9 discuss and coordinate actions as part of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation service team and other healthcare professionals in order to achieve the best results for the patient., express and defend their options for further improvement of results

LО10 formulate research questions, analyze the scientific data obtained, summarize them, introduce scientific information for the development of physical medicine and rehabilitation and apply the results in their clinical practice

LО11 effectively use international databases in daily activities, study independently and train other members of a multidisciplinary team, participate in conferences and other forms of continuous professional development in the field of rehabilitation

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Therapeutic physical factors

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and skills on the organization and use of physiotherapy to provide rehabilitation care. Methods of physiotherapy. Indications and contraindications. Rules, techniques and methods of physiotherapy procedures. Innovative methods of physiotherapy in medical rehabilitation. The use of physiotherapy methods in accordance with the clinical protocols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Develops skills in determining indications and contraindications for the appointment of physiotherapy for diseases of organs and injuries.

Physical therapy (kinesiotherapy)

The discipline is aimed at the formation of knowledge on the anatomical and physiological features of the muscular activity of adults and children, the elderly. Issues of organization of physical therapy in a hospital, polyclinic, medical and physical education dispensary, rehabilitation center. Means and forms of physical therapy. Active and passive kinesiotherapy.

Occupational therapy

The discipline is aimed at the formation of knowledge on occupational therapy in the rehabilitation of patients. The purpose and objectives of occupational therapy. Types and techniques of occupational therapy. Household rehabilitation. Occupational therapy, its types. Forms the skills of conducting the main modern types of interventions in occupational therapy. Adaptation of the environment in accordance with the needs of the patient and the disabled person. The basics of ergonomics. Features of occupational therapy for children, adults, and the elderly.

Fundamentals of Physical medicine and rehabilitation – 1

The discipline is aimed at the formation of knowledge on medical rehabilitation. Features of the organization of rehabilitation measures at various stages of medical care. Medical supervision in medical rehabilitation. Methods and means of medical rehabilitation. Anatomy and physiology of skeletal muscles, nervous system. Biomechanics of the human body. Pathological biomechanics of the human body. The basics of various kinesiotherapy and manual rehabilitation techniques. Forms the skills of substantiation and formulation of a rehabilitation diagnosis, taking into account the ICF with the establishment of disability, the degree of impairment of functions and structures of the human body.

Fundamentals of Physical medicine and rehabilitation – 2

The discipline is aimed at the formation of knowledge in the medical and social areas of rehabilitation. Types of rehabilitation. Features of rehabilitation of patients and the disabled with various diseases. Features of rehabilitation of children and adolescents. Features of rehabilitation of elderly and senile people.

Functional diagnostics

The discipline is aimed at the formation of knowledge on the theoretical foundations of assessing the functional state of organs, systems and the whole organism. International scales for assessing the functional state of the body. International classification of functioning, diagnostic value. Hardware and methodological foundations of functional diagnostics. Develops the skills of systematic interpretation of ECG, echocardiography, stress echocardiography, Holter monitoring, heart rate variability, etc. in adults, children and the elderly.

Rehabilitation in pediatrics

The discipline is aimed at the formation of knowledge on the organization of therapeutic, preventive and rehabilitative care for children in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Principles of rehabilitation care for disabling pathologies, diseases and injuries in children of various ages. Develops skills for diagnosing pathology at an early age. Diseases of young and older children. Fundamentals of the organization of rational, individually balanced and therapeutic nutrition of children with diseases of internal organs, metabolic diseases.


The discipline is aimed at the formation of knowledge on rehabilitation for diseases and injuries of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system. Forms the skills of conducting a rehabilitation examination, determining a rehabilitation prognosis and compiling a neurological profile of patients. The work of a multidisciplinary team.

Musculoskeletal rehabilitation

The discipline is aimed at the formation of knowledge and skills for conducting a rehabilitation examination, determining a rehabilitation prognosis and compiling an IPRA for patients with injuries of the musculoskeletal system of adults and children, the elderly. The work of a multidisciplinary team.

Cardiac rehabilitation

The discipline is aimed at the formation of knowledge on the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction, surgical interventions on the heart, large vessels, suffering from coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, cardiomyopathies, etc. Forms the skills of conducting a rehabilitation examination, determining a rehabilitation prognosis and compiling a list of patients with a cardiological profile. The work of a multidisciplinary team.

Pulmonological rehabilitation

The discipline is aimed at the formation of knowledge on the rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the respiratory system, including those who have suffered Covid-associated pneumonia. Forms the skills of conducting a rehabilitation examination, determining a rehabilitation prognosis and compiling a pulmonological profile of patients. The work of a multidisciplinary team.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Rehabilitation of athletes

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge on the specifics of rehabilitation of athletes with occupational diseases and injuries. Develops the skills of conducting diagnostic and preventive measures to adequately restore performance and prevent the development of disabling conditions in athletes.

Rehabilitation of post-stroke patients

The discipline is aimed at the formation of knowledge and skills on the characteristics of post-stroke patients. Making a rehabilitation diagnosis using diagnostic scales (Bartel, MMSE, etc.), determining the rehabilitation potential, drawing up the SRM and IPRA. Principles of organization and conduct of various types of rehabilitation (kinesiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech disorders therapy, vestibular rehabilitation, psychoemotional, etc.). Features of prevention and treatment of stroke complications and principles of management of patients with these complications at all stages of rehabilitation in inpatient, outpatient and home settings.


Title: OP “Adult and Pediatric Endocrinology”
Program Code: 7R01136

Mission of the Program: To prepare a highly qualified endocrinologist capable of quickly and accurately responding to healthcare challenges, applying advanced innovative technologies, navigating complex clinical situations, and ready for independent practice focused on improving public health through quality education, applied science, and practice.

Objective of the Program: To train highly qualified endocrinologists capable of providing specialized medical care to patients (adults and children) with endocrine system pathologies and implementing primary and secondary prevention of acute and chronic complications of endocrine diseases using advanced innovative technologies.

Graduate Mission Section:
Learning Outcomes:
RO1: Determine the scope and organize the necessary examination of the patient according to the clinical protocol, perform differential diagnosis, and formulate the clinical diagnosis of the primary and associated diseases and complications in accordance with accepted classifications.
RO2: Develop a treatment plan considering the individual characteristics of the patient in accordance with the clinical protocol.
RO3: Conduct continuous monitoring of patients with chronic diseases, including self-monitoring data, and make necessary adjustments to the therapy as required.
RO4: Effectively document medical information, timely enter necessary data into the Diabetes Patient Registry, and prepare documents for medical and social expertise.
RO5: Collaborate effectively with patients and their families and work cohesively within a team of allied specialists.
RO6: Conduct health education among the population and implement preventive measures for conditions that cause the most common endocrine diseases to enhance the nation’s health and quality of life.
RO7: Be informed about international and national legal, ethical, economic, and regulatory aspects of healthcare.
RO8: Master methods of scientific analysis and synthesis, writing scientific articles, and preparing presentations for clinical consultations and scientific-practical conferences.

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Major disciplines (PDO)

Internal diseases

The discipline focuses on the formation of knowledge and skills in clinical-laboratory and instrumental examination of patients with internal organ diseases, conducting differential diagnosis, and prescribing treatment according to clinical protocols in the following areas: cardiology, pulmonology, nephrology, gastrointestinal diseases, hematology, and rheumatology. It emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach in managing patients with complications of diabetes mellitus. The course also covers standards for providing medical care and the appropriate documentation processes.

Childhood diseases

The discipline develops the knowledge and skills necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in children, taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of childhood at various stages of medical care. It also includes skills for conducting preventive measures. Additionally, the course fosters abilities to interact with the sick child and their surroundings, work in a team with related specialists, and prepare medical accounting and reporting documentation.

Endocrinology in hospital (adults)

The discipline develops knowledge and skills for the special examination and treatment of hospitalized patients with various endocrine pathologies. This includes gathering a history of the patient’s life and illness, conducting a physical examination, ordering necessary laboratory and instrumental investigations in accordance with clinical protocols, performing differential diagnoses and formulating diagnoses, selecting safe and effective treatments based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, interacting with patients, completing medical accounting and reporting documentation, and participating in conferences.

Endocrinology in hospital (children)

The discipline develops knowledge and skills for the examination and treatment of hospitalized children and adolescents with various endocrine pathologies. This includes gathering a history of the patient’s life and illness, conducting a physical examination, ordering necessary laboratory and instrumental investigations according to the child’s age and clinical protocols, performing differential diagnoses and formulating diagnoses, selecting safe and effective treatments based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, interacting with patients, completing medical accounting and reporting documentation, and participating in conferences.

Outpatient endocrinology (adults)

The discipline develops knowledge and skills for providing specialized endocrinological care to outpatients, including the preparation of relevant medical documentation. It covers the implementation of primary and secondary prevention measures for acute and chronic complications of endocrine diseases, as well as the prevention of conditions that are the leading causes of the most common endocrine system disorders (such as diabetes mellitus, iodine deficiency conditions, including endemic goiter, hypothyroidism, functional autonomy, etc.).

Outpatient endocrinology (children)

The discipline develops knowledge and skills for providing specialized endocrinological care to children in outpatient settings, including the preparation of relevant medical documentation. It covers the implementation of primary and secondary prevention measures for acute and chronic complications of endocrine diseases, as well as the prevention of conditions that are the leading causes of the most common endocrine disorders in childhood (such as diabetes mellitus, growth disorders, iodine deficiency conditions, including endemic goiter, hypothyroidism, functional autonomy, etc.).

Reproductive endocrinology, infertility and pregnancy

The discipline develops knowledge and skills in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and treatment of endocrine-related infertility in men, women, children, and adolescents in accordance with clinical protocols. It also includes the preparation of medical accounting and reporting documentation. The discipline fosters the ability to analyze the quality, effectiveness, and safety of diagnostic methods for diseases. It involves analyzing scientific databases and applying the results in clinical practice, while continuously enhancing one’s professional level.

Highly specialized endocrinological care

The discipline develops knowledge and skills in advanced diagnostic and treatment methods for endocrine diseases, including the installation of insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring systems for diabetes management. It provides insights into methods of in vitro fertilization, gender reassignment surgeries, testicular prosthetics, and correction of external genitalia according to the chosen gender. Additionally, it includes skills in maintaining medical accounting and reporting documentation.

Radiation and radioisotope diagnostics

The discipline develops knowledge and skills in the use of radiation methods for diagnosis and treatment in thyroidology and neuroendocrinology. It enhances skills in effective communication and the maintenance of medical documentation.

Component of choice (CVPD)

Clinical and laboratory diagnostics in endocrinology

The discipline develops knowledge and skills for the rational use of existing clinical, biochemical, hormonal, and genetic methods for examining patients with endocrine pathology, as well as for maintaining medical accounting and reporting documentation.

Endocrinology of bone tissue

The discipline develops knowledge and skills in the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases manifesting as bone tissue disorders, including hyper- and hypoparathyroidism, endocrine-related osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus, hypercortisolism, hypogonadism, menopause, and others. It also focuses on the skills necessary for maintaining medical accounting and reporting documentation.


The discipline develops knowledge and skills in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, including acromegaly, Cushing’s disease, hyperprolactinemic conditions, hypo- and panhypopituitarism. It also focuses on the skills necessary for maintaining medical accounting and reporting documentation.


The discipline develops knowledge and skills in the diagnosis and treatment of oncological pathology associated with endocrine glands, including nodular formations and thyroid cancer, malignant formations of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, adrenal glands, and gonads. It also focuses on the skills necessary for maintaining medical accounting and reporting documentation.

Cardiovascular Surgery Program

Title: “Adult and Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery Program”
Program Code: 7R01130

Program Mission:
To prepare highly skilled, competitive cardiovascular surgeons (adult and pediatric) capable of rapidly and accurately responding to healthcare challenges. Graduates will be proficient in advanced innovative technologies, able to navigate complex clinical situations, and committed to continuous learning with international standards in diagnostics and treatment.

Program Goal:
To train qualified specialists who meet all professional educational standards, possessing the necessary core knowledge and competencies, and prepared for independent professional practice in providing cardiovascular surgical care. Graduates will apply and advance cutting-edge, innovative, informational, and communication technologies in both practice and research, adhering to the principles of evidence-based medicine.

Graduate Mission Outcomes:

Learning Outcomes:

  • LO1: Capable of applying skills in planning and conducting clinical, laboratory, and instrumental examinations for patients with cardiovascular diseases and associated risk factors.
  • LO2: Able to formulate clinical diagnoses, establish treatment plans, and assess treatment efficacy based on evidence-based practices across all levels of healthcare (inpatient and outpatient).
  • LO3: Competent in establishing effective therapeutic relationships with patients, their families, and healthcare professionals to achieve optimal patient outcomes.
  • LO4: Proficient in performing essential cardiovascular surgical procedures and providing surgical care.
  • LO5: Skilled in assessing risks and employing the most effective treatment methods to ensure high-quality, safe medical care.
  • LO6: Capable of operating within the legal and organizational framework of Kazakhstan’s healthcare system, providing basic emergency care, and working effectively in interprofessional teams.
  • LO7: Able to identify, evaluate, and assimilate data from scientific research related to patient health issues and participate in research teams.
  • LO8: Committed to self-assessment of knowledge, skills, and limitations, seeking assistance when needed, setting goals for further education and self-improvement, and addressing knowledge and skill gaps through continuous learning.


Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Major disciplines (PDO)

Outpatient cardiothoracic surgery (adult, pediatric)

The discipline introduces the regulatory framework and organization of the cardiothoracic service at the outpatient clinic level; provides skills for maintaining medical documentation; and develops knowledge and competencies in the fundamentals of outpatient management of patients (both adults and children) with heart pathology, general principles of diagnosis and treatment of major cardiothoracic diseases, screening, rehabilitation of cardiothoracic patients, early diagnosis of heart defects, and management of patients with artificial heart valves and implanted pacemakers.

Cardiothoracic Surgery in Hospital (Adult)

The discipline introduces the organization of the cardiothoracic service in a hospital setting. It develops knowledge and skills in clinical and laboratory diagnostics and provides qualified medical assistance to patients with congenital and acquired heart defects, as well as those with ischemic heart disease in inpatient conditions, following the principles of evidence-based medicine, including emergency cardiothoracic surgery. It also fosters the ability to formulate clinical diagnoses, establish treatment plans, and evaluate their effectiveness based on evidence-based practice at all levels of healthcare delivery.

Inpatient Cardiothoracic Surgery (Adult)

The discipline develops knowledge and skills in myocardial revascularization surgery, surgical treatment for heart failure, techniques for minimally invasive myocardial revascularization, transmyocardial laser revascularization, and the peculiarities of congenital and acquired heart defects in children and pregnant women. It also covers the principles of surgical treatment for heart defects, surgical interventions for aneurysms of the ascending aorta, dissecting aneurysms of the thoracic aorta, strategies and principles for treating heart injuries, issues related to heart tumors, and heart transplantation.

Congenital Heart Defects

The discipline develops knowledge and skills related to congenital heart defects (with left-to-right shunt and right-to-left shunt), congenital obstructive valvular and non-valvular lesions; clinical progression, instrumental diagnostic methods, indications for surgical treatment, and surgical interventions; as well as postoperative management and rehabilitation of patients.

Cardiology (Interventional Cardiology)

The discipline develops knowledge and skills in performing and interpreting interventional diagnostic and therapeutic methods for cardiovascular diseases: coronary angiography, stenting of coronary arteries, implantation of occluders, and mechanical circulatory support devices.

Issues of Intensive Care in Cardiothoracic Surgery

The discipline develops knowledge and skills regarding intensive care issues in cardiothoracic surgery. It covers the operation of the Artificial Circulation Machine and the management of the postoperative period in patients following cardiothoracic surgical procedures.


The discipline develops knowledge and skills in the diagnosis and treatment of heart arrhythmias identified on ECG, classification of life-threatening arrhythmias, differentiation between the development of ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias, emergency care during episodes, and selection of antiarrhythmic medications.


The discipline develops knowledge regarding vascular surgery, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and skills in diagnosing conditions in patients with pathologies of the arterial, venous, and lymphatic systems. It also involves interpreting and analyzing the results of instrumental examinations and laboratory tests for patients with diseases and pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system.

Perfusiology and Auxiliary Circulation

The discipline develops skills in performing artificial circulation during cardiothoracic surgeries, as well as the ability to independently analyze data from clinical, laboratory, and instrumental research methods and determine the tactics for managing artificial circulation. It provides knowledge of the principles and techniques of artificial circulation, indications and contraindications for its use, complications and limitations of artificial circulation, and the characteristics of the pre-perfusion, perfusion, and post-perfusion periods. Additionally, it covers the design of modern artificial circulation devices and the regulation of the coagulation system during artificial circulation.

Perfusion and circulatory support

The discipline develops skills in performing artificial circulation during cardiothoracic surgeries and the ability to independently analyze data from clinical, laboratory, and instrumental research methods to determine the tactics for managing artificial circulation. It provides knowledge about the principles and techniques of artificial circulation, indications and contraindications for its application, complications and limitations of artificial circulation, and the characteristics of the pre-perfusion, perfusion, and post-perfusion periods. Additionally, it covers the design of modern artificial circulation devices and the regulation of the coagulation system during artificial circulation.

Component of Choice (CoC)

Ultrasound Diagnostics in Cardiothoracic Surgery

The discipline develops theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of ultrasound diagnostics, with an in-depth study and evaluation of information on new achievements and the prospects for the application of various ultrasound methods in cardiothoracic surgery. The training covers the specifics of echocardiography in cases of acute myocardial infarction, previous myocardial infarction, complications of myocardial infarction, heart defects, aortic pathologies, endocarditis, cardiomyopathies, pericarditis, and heart tumors.

Surgical Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease

The discipline develops knowledge of clinical international guidelines and protocols for the treatment of ischemic heart disease, including both endovascular and traditional surgical methods. It covers technical variations of aortocoronary bypass surgery, minimally invasive bypass techniques, alternative methods of myocardial revascularization, and surgical treatments for complicated forms (such as heart aneurysms, simultaneous operations, tunneling, etc.), as well as the rehabilitation of patients following coronary bypass surgery.

Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Congenital and Acquired Heart Defects

The discipline develops knowledge and practical skills regarding congenital and acquired heart defects, various methods of diagnosing heart defects, techniques for artificial circulation, perfusion modes, selection of cardioplegia, and minimally invasive methods for correcting congenital and acquired heart defects.

Heart Transplantation

The discipline develops basic knowledge and skills in heart transplantation, legal aspects, and donor selection. It also addresses the organization of heart transplantation in Kazakhstan

Oncology adult

Title: EP ” Adult oncology “:

Program code: 7R01135

EP’s Mission: Training of a highly qualified oncologist with professional competencies, able to apply advanced innovative technologies, navigate complex clinical situations, capable of independent professional activity, focused on improving the health of the population through quality education and

applied science.

The purpose of the EP:  Training of a qualified oncologist with a system of universal and professional competencies, capable and ready for independent professional activity based on the application and development of advanced innovative, information and communication technologies in practice and science.

In the Graduate’s Mission section:

Learning Outcomes:

           ON1 Able to diagnose, prescribe and treat patients with malignant neoplasms (PCT, GT, TT). And also prescribe and perform surgical treatment for patients with malignant neoplasms of various nosologies in accordance with clinical protocols for diagnosis and treatment, incl. – reconstructive plastic surgery in oncology

           ON2 Able to examine patients with cancer and manage medical documentation, medical and statistical information, and also conduct a medical examination of patients with malignant neoplasms.

           ON3 Able to provide medical rehabilitation and restorative treatment at the pre-hospital, hospital and post-hospital stages of patients with malignant neoplasms.           

           ON4 Able to prescribe and carry out neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy for malignant neoplasms of various locations, taking into account the stage of the disease, histology, immunohistochemistry, genetic mutation, concomitant diseases, patient age and other factors.

            ON5 Able to interpret data from radiation diagnostic methods (X-ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound, NM methods). Also interpret endoscopic and laboratory diagnostic methods.           

             ON6 Capable of performing fine-needle biopsy and trepanobiopsy for tumors of the breast, lungs, liver, prostate and other localizations. Based on the results of morphological and immunohistochemical research methods, prescribe personalized therapy.

            ON7 Prescribe neoadjuvant and adjuvant radiation therapy for malignant neoplasms of various locations, taking into account the stage of the disease, histology, immunohistochemistry, concomitant diseases, patient age and other factors.

             ON8 Able to act within the legal and organizational framework of the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide palliative care and symptomatic therapy to cancer patients.

            ON9 Able to provide medical care in oncology emergencies and assess risks and use the most effective treatment methods to ensure a high level of safety and quality of care.

            ON10 is able to analyze ECG data, cardiac ultrasound, spirography data, as well as have the skills to prevent and correct complications of ongoing antitumor drug treatment in patients with cancer (nausea and vomiting, cytopenias, febrile neutropenia, mucositis, diarrhea, dermatological toxicity, etc.)

            ON11 Able to learn independently and train other team members, and participate in all forms of continuing professional learning and professional development.

Name of discipline, number of credits

Summary of the discipline

Core disciplines (CD)

Oncology in hospital

The module forms general aspects of clinical oncology and its modern problems. Modern methods for diagnosing malignant neoplasms. Principles and methods of surgical, radiation and chemotherapy treatment of malignant tumors. Adverse reactions and complications of antitumor chemotherapy and radiation therapy, their prevention and treatment.

Outpatient oncology

The module forms the organization of oncological care to the population at the primary health care level, the organization of preventive examinations and screening work for the early diagnosis of malignant neoplasms. Modern methods for diagnosing malignant neoplasms in a clinic. Principles and methods of treating malignant tumors in outpatient and inpatient settings. Mandatory clinical minimum examination in an outpatient setting.


Prevention and treatment of toxic complications of chemotherapy. Nutritional support. Treatment of infectious complications, febrile neutropenia. Correction of cardiovascular toxicity, hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity. The role of sanitary resort treatment in the rehabilitation of cancer patients.

Medical genetics in oncology

Biological features of malignant tumors, oncogene mutations and its significance in the tumor process. Characteristics of hereditary tumors. Hereditary breast cancer. Hereditary cancer of the colon and rectum. Practical recommendations for the use of immunotherapy.

Radiation diagnostics in oncology

Basic principles of radiation diagnostics of the gastrointestinal tract, brain, lungs and musculoskeletal system (X-ray. Ultrasound. CT. MRI. PET-CT. Scintigraphy).

Pathomorphological diagnosis

Cytological and pathomorphological examination in oncological practice. Morphogenesis of the ON. Degrees of cancer invasion and levels of differentiation. Immunohistochemical research methods. Personalized therapy in oncology.

Radiation therapy

Principles and methods of radiation therapy. Physicochemical mechanism of action of ionizing radiation on tumor cells. Biological processes that form the therapeutic effect of radiation. Factors that increase the effectiveness of radiation therapy. Methods of radiation therapy: external, combined and contact radiation therapy. Close focus radiotherapy (NFRT).

Palliative oncology

Palliative care organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Hospice. Nursing Hospital. Principles of pain management for cancer patients suffering from pain syndromes.

Intensive care in oncology

Diagnosis of water-salt metabolism disorders (WSO) and organ failure. Correction of water balance, electrolytes, osmolarity. Enteral and parenteral nutrition. Infusion and transfusion therapy.

Functional diagnostics in oncology

General aspects of functional diagnostics in patients with cancer pathology. Modern methods for diagnosing pathological changes in the cardiovascular, pulmonary and nervous systems in cancer. Differential diagnosis of diseases based on a comprehensive study of the function of the cardiovascular system, pulmonary and nervous systems.

Clinical and laboratory diagnostics in oncology

Basic methods of laboratory diagnostic and immunohistochemical studies used in oncology. Interpretation of data from these studies.

Clinical immunology in oncology

Basic immunological research methods. Tumor markers in the diagnosis of cancer. Classification of modern methods of immunotherapy of malignant tumors.

Practical recommendations for the use of immunotherapy.

Component of choice (CCCD)

Endoscopic diagnostics in oncology

Indications and contraindications for endoscopic examination. Complications, ways of prevention. Endoscopic diagnosis of pre-tumor and tumor diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, larynx and lungs.

Oncological alertness. Early diagnosis of cancer of visual organs

Early clinical signs of precancer and oral cancer of the breast and thyroid gland, skin, melanoma, cervix and rectum. Work of male and female examination rooms. The concept of cancer alertness I, II, III.


Persons who have document indicating the qualification a “doctor” are accepted to the residency.
The term of study is 2-4 years.

Our contacts

Utepov Street, 19a,
1st floor, office 106.

Contact numbers of the Training and Clinical Department of KMU “VSHOZ”:
+7 777 747 33 23

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