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Postgraduate education department

Касымбекова Анара Николаевна

Касымбекова Анара Николаевна



Arystanova Indira

Arystanova Indira

chief specialist

Phone: +7 771 780 7667

Жетыбаева Сандугаш Бакытовна

Жетыбаева Сандугаш Бакытовна

старший методист


Tuganbayeva Nadira

Tuganbayeva Nadira

chief specialist

Phone: +7 771 780 7667

The Department of Postgraduate Education is a structural unit of the KMU “KSPH”, which manages the system of postgraduate training of doctoral students (PhD) and undergraduates.

History. The Department of Master’s and Doctoral Studies was formed on the basis of the order of the Rector of the Higher School of Public Health of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2010.

Goals and objectives of the Department

The main goal of the Department is to assist in providing full-fledged opportunities and appropriate conditions for training doctoral (PhD) and master’s students in the Higher School of Public Health in accordance with the principles of continuing education and the needs of the global labor market, the formation of an integrated educational space for the training of scientific personnel (PhD and master’s) for the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The innovative goal is to monitor and ensure that the level of training of personnel (PhD and master’s degrees) in the Higher School of Public Health meets international quality standards and the priority needs of the global labor market.

The practical goal is to form the image resource of the Higher School of Public Health as an educational center that guarantees high competent qualities to students of scientific and pedagogical personnel (PhD and master’s degrees)

The main objectives of the Department are:

Organization and planning jointly with the Heads of the academic departments of admission and training of doctoral and master’s students in all areas and specialties of the Higher School of Public Health.

Ensuring the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in demand on the global labor market, including the implementation of admission plans both within the budget and contract and target admission, as well as timely defense of dissertations by doctoral and master students.

Organization and coordination of educational and methodological work of the Higher School of Public Health’s academic departments for the preparation of doctoral and master degree students, including control over the development and implementation of scientific and educational programs by the Higher School of Public Health’s academic departments at the named levels and stages of training of specialists.

Monitoring, keeping records, analyzing and assessing the state of training of doctoral students and undergraduates at the Higher School of Public Health based on the results of attestations and scientific achievements of students.

The main functions of the Departament’s  activities:

effective planning, organization, management and control of the educational process;

coordination of the work of departments and other structural units to ensure the educational process;

development and compilation of instructional materials aimed at improving the educational process;

monitoring the planning and actual fulfillment of the academic load by the teaching staff;

execution of orders and orders related to the organization of the educational process at the University, and on the staff of students;

analysis of the course of the educational process, the results of intermediate (examination) sessions and final certification;

draws up a schedule of training sessions for students;

monitoring the attendance of students according to the schedule;

monitoring of current certification in MOODLe and Platonus IS;

Creates a database on the employment of graduates;

The procedure for the implementation of educational services is regulated by the following main regulatory legal acts:

– The Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 04, 2022 on the approval of state mandatory standards for levels of education in the field of healthcare;

– Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 20, 2011 No. 152. On approval of the Rules for the organization of the educational process on credit technology of education in organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education;

– Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 No. 600. On approval of the Standard Rules for admission to educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher and postgraduate education

– Order No. 97 of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 6, 2022. On Amendments to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 20, 2015 No. 137 “On approval of requirements for educational organizations to provide distance learning and rules for organizing the educational process for distance learning”.

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Bostandyk district, Utepova str., 19A, postal code 050060

Phone numbers: +7 (727) 3378011, +7 (727) 3378032.

Plan of PDG

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