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Educational and clinical department

Abirova Akmaral Adilkhanovna

Abirova Akmaral Adilkhanovna

Head of the Educational and Clinical Department

The goal is to implement a strategic development plan in the field of educational activities, organization and coordination of educational and clinical work at clinical departments.

Improving the educational and clinical support of educational activities in accordance with the requirements for postgraduate education;

Planning and organization of the educational process of the residency students, in accordance with the norms and requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

Coordination of organizational, educational and clinical work of the teaching staff of KMU “KSPH” LLP to ensure the unity of the system of requirements for the organization, conditions for the implementation and quality assessment of postgraduate education programs;

Organization and accounting of the movement of the contingent of postgraduate education;

Assistance in the employment of residency graduates;

Development of students ‘ ability to self-improvement and self-development, needs and skills of independent creative mastering of new knowledge;

Training of specialists with a high level of professional culture, including the culture of professional communication, who are able to teach at universities, successfully carry out research and management activities;

To consolidate skills and abilities, to increase the level of professionalism in the organization and conduct of scientific research for the continuation of scientific work in the doctoral program;

Monitor the clinical activities of clinical departments/courses;

Monitor the implementation of clinical protocols, standards, algorithms, etc., based on evidence-based medicine in the educational process;

To promote the introduction of simulation technologies into the educational process to improve the clinical skills of employees of clinical departments and students;

Participate in the development of normative acts on medicine, clinical protocols for the treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of the disease;

Ensuring the expansion of clinical bases, including industrial practice, by negotiating with medical organizations with further coordination of the procedure for concluding joint activity agreements;

Participation in the modernization of the educational process in accordance with modern requirements, the implementation of the strategy for the development of educational activities for clinical training in a Simulation center;

Management of educational activities of clinical departments.

Development of current and future work plans of the department, monitoring their proper implementation;

Monitoring of internal regulatory documents of KMU “KSPH” LLP on issues related to the scope of activities of divisions, ensuring their completeness and relevance;

Planning of the educational process in the residency (preparation, coordination and approval of working curricula, training assignments to departments, lesson schedules, calculation of hours for the staff schedule, rules for admission to the residency, etc.);

Organization of work on the preparation and approval of individual plans of the residency students; organization, control and regulation of the educational process in the residency;

Organization of the entrance exams to the residency;

Organization of execution and control of training of residents for compliance with the SSE, standard curricula, programs and other regulatory legal acts regulating the educational process in the residency;

Coordination of clinical work of departments involved in the training of residents;

Organization and control of the preparation of methodological support for all forms of control and certification established in KMU “KSPH” LLP for evaluating the educational achievements of students of the residency, (current monitoring of academic performance, intermediate certification);

Organization of the work of the State Attestation Commission, the State Examination Commission;

Monitoring the implementation of individual plans of residency students; monitoring the compliance of residency students with academic discipline and internal regulations of KMU “KSPH” LLP, organizing and conducting events aimed at maintaining academic discipline;

Testing and implementation of innovative models, methods, and learning technologies, including distance learning and telemedicine technologies;

Development and implementation of programs aimed at introducing the results of scientific activity into the educational process and practical healthcare;

Monitoring and analysis of clinical activities of clinical departments/courses;

Monitoring together with the structural divisions of KMU “KSPH” LLP, the introduction of clinical protocols, standards, algorithms, etc., based on evidence-based medicine, into the educational process, to improve the level of qualification of medical specialists and the quality of medical care to the population;

Search for new clinical bases with the best clinical practice at the level of international standards according to the recommendations of the structural divisions of KMU “KSPH” LLP.

Monitoring of the implementation of contractual obligations by clinical bases in terms of creating conditions for conducting a high-quality educational process;

Support of contacts with permanent partners for timely resolution of problematic issues, renegotiation of joint cooperation agreements;

Active cooperation with relevant departments of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan on supervised issues;

Presentation of proposals of clinical departments to the regional healthcare on improving and improving the quality of medical care to the population, the qualifications of medical workers;

Promoting the introduction of modern information technologies in cooperation with regional healthcare (online consultation of medical specialists and patients, clinical examinations and rounds, training of medical workers, etc.);

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