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Health Economics and Insurance Medicine

As part of the Higher School of Public Health, the Department of Health Economics was established in 1998 and Associate Professor K. K. Kurakbayev was appointed head of the department, and in 2007 it was transformed into the Department of Health Management and Economics by merging with the Department of Health Management.

In 2015, the Higher School of Public Health was reorganized into the Kazakhstan Medical University “Higher School of Public Health “. In 2018, the Department of Health Management and Pharmacy was renamed the Department of Health Management. Taking into account the needs of the healthcare system in connection with the introduction of the MSHI system, the Department of Health Economics and Insurance Medicine was opened in August 2020, which is the only one in the country.

Goals and objectives of the department

Objectives: to ensure the health care needs for managerial personnel with academic and practical training in the organization of medical care to the population in a market economy, the compulsory medical insurance system (MSHI) in the republic, conducting scientific research related to the study of problematic issues of the introduction of MSHI, promising areas of its development, etc.

Kurakbayev Kuralbai Kurakbayevich

Kurakbayev Kuralbai Kurakbayevich

Head of the Department, Professor, MD

Tel +7 701 212 6956

Kadyrbekova Fatima Abzhapparova

Kadyrbekova Fatima Abzhapparova

Senior Lecturer, Master of Public Health

Akhmetov Valikhan Isaevich

Akhmetov Valikhan Isaevich

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Zholdasbekova Aizhan Saparbekovna

Zholdasbekova Aizhan Saparbekovna

, senior lecturer, Master of Medical Sciences, graduate of the doctoral program in the specialty "Public health protection".

Tel (office): 8 727 337 80

Brimzhanova Marzhan Dikhanovna

Brimzhanova Marzhan Dikhanovna

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Health Economics and Insurance Medicine.

Теl +7 701 462 9091

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