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Online Summer School

digital transformation of healthcare

A course for doctoral students, undergraduates, practicing doctors, and students, in which students will learn the features of modern digital healthcare, the legal framework for safe counseling outside the doctor’s office, build their personal brand and develop communication skills, as well as develop their own methodology for remote dynamic monitoring of the condition of their patients.

Dates: from July 15 to July 19 (30 hours).

Purpose: adaptation of a modern doctor to the realities of digital healthcare and the introduction of advanced information and communication technologies and artificial intelligence into practice.

Theoretical knowledge:

– pros and cons of different models of healthcare (from paternalism to patient-orientation and human-centricity),

– digitalization of healthcare,

– introduction of AI into the practice of a doctor,

– digital services for patients,

– telemedicine as a healthcare tool,

– Calgary-Cambridge Consultation Model,

– remote dynamic monitoring of the health status of patients,

– building a personal brand,

– cybersecurity,

– legal aspects of online counseling,

– collection and storage of medical data,

– Health technology assessment,

– research on real clinical practice (to evaluate healthcare technologies).

Practical skills:

– self-presentation,

– writing articles-refutations of medical myths,

– communication tools (verbal, non-verbal, with examples in the form of a game consultation), 

– increasing adherence to treatment (digital, non-digital),

– building a personal brand,

– working with MIS,

– evaluation of digital technologies.


– brief business card about yourself (self-presentation),

– a post exposing the myth,

– a guide for his patients,

– the author’s methodology of DDN.

The program is attached.

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