The department of surgical diseases was organized in february 2020 (order no. 317/1-n dated december 26, 2019) as a result of the transformation of the structural divisions of the KMU “KSPH”. The head of the department was doctor of medical sciences, professor Toleutayuly Caribai .
In September 2021, the department of surgical diseases was reorganized. The head of the department was PhD, associate professor S.M. Zharmenov .
In September 2024, it was renamed into the department of surgery with a course in neurosurgery, urology and cardiovascular surgery.
The department of surgery with a course in neurosurgery, urology and cardiovascular surgery of the KMU “KSPH” carries out the following types of postgraduate and additional professional education:
– Advanced training aimed at maintaining, deepening and improving professional competencies in accordance with the qualification requirements of the industry qualifications framework and professional standards in the field of healthcare
– A certification course aimed at expanding and/or mastering new professional competencies in the area of the main specialty
– Training of master’s and doctoral students in the EP “Medicine”
– Conducts training for surgical residents
– Master classes, seminars, conferences, etc.

Zharmenov Samat Madikhanovich

Toletayuly Karibai

Apatanov Mukhtar Kakharovich

Jumabekov Aueshan Tulegenovich

Kaliyeva Salima Syzdykovna

Zhanbyrbaev Sultan Zhanbyrbaevich

Tursynbaev Serik Erishevich

Kuatbekov Kairat Nietalievich