The Department of “Radiology” was organized in September 2024. Head of the Department-Kultaev Askhat Seitkhanovich, Ph. D., ultrasound doctor of the. The Department of «Radiology»of KMU “KSPH “provides postgraduate and additional professional education: training of residents in the EP” Radiology”, advanced training courses, as well as master classes, seminars and lectures on topical topics are regularly organized.
Training of residents takes place in ultrasound diagnostics, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, nuclear medicine, radiology (both adults and children) and other cycles that include modern methods of diagnosing diseases. Classes are held at clinical bases with Republican and city status, as well as in private clinics (Kazakh Research Institute of oncology and radiology, City Clinical Hospital No. 4, City Center for Human Reproduction, children’s City Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital, Zam-zam clinic, etc.).

Kultaev A.S.

Alimukhamedova D.K