The Department of “Children’s Diseases” was organized in 2019 (Order No. 317/1-n dated 26.12.2019) as a result of the transformation of the structural divisions of the KMU “KSPH” and division of the Department of Clinical Activities.
The main purpose of the department’s work is the organization and conduct of educational, educational and methodological work at the level of postgraduate (residency) and additional professional education; medical and advisory work.
At the level of additional professional education (advanced training, retraining), educational activities are carried out in all sections of pediatrics: pediatric diseases, cardiology, neurology, nephrology, gastroenterology, pulmonology, etc.
The clinical base of the department is located in Children’s City Clinical Hospital № 2, Altynsarin str., 54.
The mission
Training of highly qualified pediatric specialists to provide high-quality and safe medical care to children. Continuing education to improve knowledge, skills and abilities related to the need to be relevant in a professional environment
The staff of the department includes employees working on a budgetary and extra-budgetary basis, which allows to optimize the educational process and expand the range of educational services
Along with this, the staff of the department conducts trainings, seminars, master classes on adapted international training programs:
ICAT – installed computerized adapted training (IMCD – integrated management of childhood diseases, WHO/UNICEF).
Emergency care for children – Pocket guide, WHO/UNICEF.
Universal – progressive model of patronage of pregnant women and young children, WHO/UNICEF (basic level).
Universal – progressive model of patronage of pregnant women and young children, WHO/UNICEF (advanced level)
Breastfeeding, WHO/UNICEF
ECD – Early childhood development, WHO/UNICEF.

Ushurova Asiyam Imyarzhanovna

Shakim Gulnara Anvarovna